Torah and More!

Post date: Apr 15, 2017 3:48:42 PM

Shalom Chaverim Members,

Happy Passover! If you were at our Congregational Seder, then you know it was great. If you didn't make it this year, you will want to join us next year! Or, as we were singing, Next Year In Jerusalem!!

Mark your calendars:

Our next Friday Night Service will be our Yizkor Service on April 21st (more details below). This particular Shabbat falls close to Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Memorial Day. We will have commemorative prayers and readings.

Our Friday Night Service on May 5th falls close to Yom Ha'azmaut, Israel Independence Day.

This week’s Torah reading is a little more complicated than usual. During Passover, we read Torah every day and from two different Chapters. Often you will see congregations take out two Torahs! This Shabbat we first read from Exodus 33 This chapter deals with the situation immediately after the Israelites had made an idol for themselves – the golden calf – and so rejected the God who had rescued them from Egypt. The people are punished but Moses intercedes on their behalf. The second reading is from Pinchas, who we always say, has the last word.

Since there is so much to read here, I have include a link to a site I always use when I am looking something up!

Interesting to note, that this Shabbat is April 15th! And we get a 'rest' from filing our taxes!


Nissan 19, 5777

April 15, 2017


Shabbat, Chol Hamoed, Pesach: Exodus 33:12 - 34:26


Shabbat, Chol Hamoed, Pesach: Numbers 28:19-25


Ezekiel 37:1-14

Free Hebrew lessons available online.

Here is the link:

Betsy Roth

Spiritual Leader

Congregation Beit Chaverim

Prince Frederick, MD 20678

(410) 586-0090


If you're not going to be better tomorrow than you were today,

then what need have you for tomorrow?

Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav