4/21 Week Twelve: Sleep and the Brain

The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved. Happy Earth Day wishes!

Hello Brain Fitness Students,


Let's take a moment to celebrate Earth Day, which is observed annually on April 22nd. It is a powerful reminder of our responsibility to protect and preserve the planet for future generations. Remember to immerse in the tranquility of nature!

Mid-Term Survey still open!

This is a friendly reminder that the midterm survey is still open for another week. This is your chance to share your thoughts on the program and the professors anonymously. Your feedback is essential for us! 


Survey Link: https://forms.gle/WQFThNQtEZ8BYoGC7


Fourth Annual Emeritus Concert 

We are delighted to invite you to the Fourth Annual Emeritus Concert, an afternoon of delightful performances and community engagement. This concert will be in a beautiful theatre setting. We invite you to join us in person or virtually. Admission to the program is free for all attendees. A concert recording will be available for those unable to attend in person. 


Date: April 27, 2024

Time: 3:00 p.m.

Location: Canyon Crest Academy, 5951 Village Center Loop Road, San Diego, CA 92130


Click HERE for more information: Fourth Annual Emeritus Concert.


We have learned about the importance of diet on the functions of the brain, both in neuron connectivity and in brain plasticity. We also realize how difficult it can be to be consistent in making the right nutritional choices.  Not often is there an immediate reward signal generated in our brain for eating healthy like there is when one consumes a sugary, salty, or fatty treat, which is unhealthy. 

Sleep is not merely a period of rest but a fundamental pillar of health and well-being that warrants our attention and care. Let us embrace the importance of sleep and cultivate habits that nurture restful nights and rejuvenated days.

Zoom Sessions and Links 

We have two online Zoom sessions. You may attend whichever one is most convenient. It's easy to access our Zoom sessions and we highly recommend and encourage you to attend at least one. In addition, we also have our Brain HQ Lab session on Tuesdays via Zoom. Join our Brain HQ Lab session if you have any questions regarding Brain HQ, the class, or would like to join us; remember, all are welcome.


Basics Zoom Sessions 

Tuesdays, 9:00 - 10:30 AM (Yael Lorberfeld, Instructor, with Sharon Gregory)


Thursdays, 10 - 11:30 AM (occasional in person meeting at JCC) (Yael Lorberfeld, Instructor)


Brain HQ lab (all welcome) 

Tuesdays, 12:30 - 2 (Yael Lorberfeld, Instructor, with Mari Rios-O'Brien)


Quick Links

● Brain Fitness website: http://bfclass.com/

○       Weekly e-mails: Weekly Emails

○      Zoom classrooms: Zoom Classroom

●  The Basics class has its own website as well: BASICS class website

● For the BrainHQ exercises, just click: www.brainhq.com

Basics Instructors

Your instructors are here to help you so please let us know if you have any questions. For the Spring 2024 Brain Fitness Basics class, your instructors are: 


Yael Lorberfeld



Ericka Peralta



Sharon Gregory



Mari Rios-O’Brien



Your instructors,  

Yael Lorberfeld, Erika Peralta, Sharon Gregory, Mari Rios-O’Brien