Children's Literature

1140 Children’s Literature

Grades 10-12: .5 Credit College Prep

Students enrolled in this course will study Children’s Literature as a genre, by making a critical examination and analysis of the various literary elements used. In addition, students will learn about literature’s connection to child development, and the value of children’s literature in fostering reading skills and developing a lifelong love of reading. Students will research these areas as well as criteria for judging quality children’s literature, including its construction, artwork, and language. Students will explore the changes in children’s literature from its beginnings. As part of the course students will write a children’s book. They will also frequently collaborate with other students on projects, and with the community at the local schools to read to children and apply what they have learned about the value of children’s literature. The major genres studied include historical fiction, picture books, fantasy, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.