wire sculpture

1. The subject of this creation is an elephant stuffy. to make this I used wire (thick and thin kinds) along with pinching the wire ends together to make connections. I chose to create this because it has meaning and I knew it would be a challenge.

2. I used line throughout the whole thing to create the shape. I also used balance to build a strong base that would hold the rest of the shape up. I changed the way I made the elephant's legs and the whole structure as well. In my head I pictured it to look more realistic, however with the amount of effort I put in I'm still happy with the result because I worked hard to gain the outcome I had.

3. The meaning behind this artwork is to push myself beyond doing something simple such as a pencil or box for example. This project relates to my life because I like elephants and I like pushing myself (sometimes). If I could make this work any stronger, I would change the connections so that no parts of it moved. This would result in a better neck structure to hold the head up.