sgraffito clay tile

1. the subject of this creation is a mountain. I took on a different shape than most people, though it had some negative factors in the end it was different and a challenge and I'm glad I did it. I molded the clay with my hands, painted on the layer of black and the gloss, used the carving tools for the details. I placed trees on the bottom and clouds, etc. on top as if it were a real mountain.

2. I used balance in the amount and areas at which I put the trees, clouds or other details. I used line throughout the whole project, also balance was used it the amount of gloss or the black layers I put on. I changed what I put on the mountain, originally I was thinking to put some animals, a skier, etc. but I decided just to add some simple people instead.

3. the meaning behind this artwork is to be different, give people something to think about when they look at it instead of just random designs. This project relates to my life because it is outside of the box, I also like mountains. If I could make this any stronger by changing one thing it would be to go back and build a better shape that won't have several cracks in the end.