Donate life design

1. The subject of the creation is a person thinking about having organs they need, and sending a positive message. I made this work by using graphite to outline the base, I then used letter stamps to write the message. I used watercolor for the background and acrylic paint to fill in the heart, thyroid and lungs. I used blending and balance in the background.

2. I used blending and balance in the background and line to form the message on the top. I changed the message. I was originally going to have the end ease into the word now but it didn't look the way I thought it would so I used white paint to cover it up.

3. The meaning behind this artwork is to show how someone might be only hoping (or thinking) about new organs and you could change their lives by donating yours if you were ever put in that position. This project relates to my life because I too have to make this decision. If I could change anything about this piece it would be to have the letters straight and not in the thought bubble.