
1. The setting of this creation is a boy walking on a path in front of trees. this work was made by scratching out the negative space parts and also scratching other parts to show light or dark grays. I used 2 different kinds of scraping tools to do this. I chose to create this specific artwork because it isn't a something man-made and it's a picture I took.

2. I used blending in the leaves/trees to have it naturally transition from light to dark and vice versa. I change the size and look of the trees along with how light and dark other areas were.

3. The meaning behind this artwork is to show how you can turn a simple picture taken in your backyard into something much more interesting by incorporating it into a different use of materials. This project relates to my life because I took it and my brother is in the picture. If I could change one thing it would be the little details throughout the whole picture, for example the leaves especially in the grass.