Final Photo Portfolio

Hands: ^

Feet: ^

Geometric Shadows: ^

Organic Forms: \/

Leading Lines: ^

Glass/Transparency: \/

Monochromatic: \/

Complimentary: ^

Analogous: V

Primary: ^

Portrait: ^

Still Life: V

Reflection: ^

Landscape: V

Unique Lighting: V

Positive and Negative: V

Abstraction: V

Self Portrait: V

Concentration: V

Advanced Photogram: V

Colored Print: V

Altered Developing: V

Altered Negative: V

Recreation Of a Famous Artist: V

Reflective Self Portrait: V

Family Dynamics: V

Relationship: V

Conflict: V

Social Issue: V

Movement: V

Weather: V

Written Reflection:

Photography one and two complete! It's been a crazy journey this year. I chose to do photography because I wanted to expand my knowledge of photography, a hobby and side-job I hope to pursue in the future. Coming into this class I wasn't sure what would follow, I was hoping I would learn new and cool techniques that I could use in my own personal photography. Photography two has been my favorite, I enjoyed being able to go out and take pictures in any way my mind could imagine and see fit. I specifically enjoyed being able to expand my photography in different ways through the various assignments. Instead of taking two or three same photos, we had different assignments that made us think, force us to use our mind and become creative artists. Assignments like, Analogous, Photographic Intent, Abstraction, Positive & Negative, Altered Developing, Conflict, etc.

I also liked how we didn't just do digital photography, we expanded to film, taking film and developing film, which I had never ever done before in my life. It was an amazing experience (although it did bring a good amount of stress...) Sadly, now that it's over I have indeed learned a lot, things ranging from techniques like angles, focus, placement, lighting, color, photoshopping etc. Because of the techniques that I have developed over the year, I have (at least I think) have improved in composing and taking my photographs. Just because this class has ended, my photography won't, I will proceed to expand my knowledge of photography skills in the future and continue on to take pictures. Thanks for the crazy, fun, awesome year!!

Reflection Video:

Photo Final.mp4