Final Art Page

Time Capsules: Sep. 13

Lichtenstein Square: Sep. 19

Extended Blind: Sep. 27

Designs & Space: Oct. 5

Pure Contour: Oct. 13

Abstract Shoe: Oct. 17

Selfie Still Life: Oct. 25

Perspective: Oct. 31

Candy Still Life: Nov. 14

Mixed Media Drawing: Dec. 1

Self Portrait: Dec. 16

Art History: Jan. 13

Color Study Feb. 7

Color Design: March 6

Surrealist Collage: March 21

Social Issue Prints: April 4

Scratchboard: April 24

Wire Sculpture: May 8

Beautiful Oops #2: May 26

Independent Project: June 12

FOA Year Reflection:

  • Woah! So much time was put and spent on this year and I can't believe now it's over. Foundations Of Art has been a fantastical ride, filled with craziness, excitement, stress, and more. Although I've had my fair share of difficult trials during this year, this class has been one of my absolute favorites this year by far. One reason being that this class didn't just have regular pencil and paper art projects, it definitely expanded outside the box from what i'm used to which made this class much more personally loved. Outside of this class I've never done a "scratchboard", or a "wire sculpture", or a "Social Issue Gelatin print." Through the widely different, creative and artistic projects I have learned so much. Techniques ranging from shading, creating 3D like objects, color shading, perspective angles etc. Besides the projects themselves, it is important to have a great teacher with a real enthusiasm for art and for helping their students no matter who they are and how they are. That definitely played an important role into enjoying the class. For sure having an enthusiastic and supportive teacher helped me get through the year easier. Although my art class is over for this year, this in no way mean I am done with art. I know that in the near future I will be doing more and and joining more art based classes using techniques that I learned in Mrs. Medskers 3/4 White FOA class.
Foundations Art