
Your name is?

My name is Chivan Panosian.

Where were you born?

I was born in Dallas Texas on, August 20, 2000.

How many brothers and sister do you have?

I have two brothers, Neil who is 18, Raveen who is 14. I also have three sisters, Raenah who is 7, Ella who is 8, and Rachele who is 17.

What language do you do you speak at home?

I speak English.

What are your career goals?

To be honest I don't know yet. As of now i'm trying to figure that out.

What do you see yourself doing in five years?

In five years I hope to be in my selected college, and I hope I know what to do with my life during that time.

Who do you know, other than a teacher, who has gone to college for art?

Not anybody.

What are you most proud of?

I think I am pretty proud that I have almost finished high school.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

For sure I love to eat in my free time, I like to go on my computer a lot as well. I occasionally like to go out and do some photography.

Why did you enroll in this course?

I enrolled in this course because I wanted to better my experience with photography, I wanted to learn more especially in editing.

Who are the photographers that you are most interested in right now?

There really aren't many, but one I do love is Judy Natal, I just really like her simplicity in her pictures.

Your ideal job would be...

In honesty I don't know, although I have contemplated working at shaws as a starter job.

Three adjectives others might use to describe you...

talk fast, social, and funny.

This photo was by Judy Natal, I was drawn to this because it has a mystery feel, I really loved how the fog was covering his face. I am drawn to the artist herself because she has simplicity in her work, now that does not mean her work is boring, the simplicity is what makes her photos beautiful. This picture it's self It's kinda simple which is why it makes a great capture. The way she had the fog covering his face, and how the orange pops when everything else is made of bland colors, just makes the photograph 10 times way better.

I am drawn to this photo because I think it was a great use of leading lines. I liked how it wasn't in bright daylight, making it (to me) more relaxing. I also like how it seems to be in a secluded area, nature just flowing in the area. I think the use of the clouds, with the sun peering between one of the hills gives the viewer more interest. In my opinion that use of the clouds draws you in to look at the photo even more. What especially sticks out to me as well would be the twisty road, if the road was just straight, it definitely would not give the same beauty in the picture.

I was drawn to this photo for the sheer fact that it's amazing, I really loved the reflection off the water. I am a close friend to the one who took this photo and he is very talented. I didn't choose this photo because he's my friend. I love this photo because I love the nature aspects of it. I really loved the idea of the mountains in the background, I like how there were spots of rocks throughout the area. I also liked how he used the river as a road or a leading line to the mountains in the back. This photo makes me think of me being on a boat with the Lord Of The Rings crew, traveling to the mountain, surrounded by nature and forests.

I was drawn to the photo because I really liked that the focus was put perfectly in the photo. I liked how he was able to capture the full coverage of the ice on the stick. He did a good job in using selective focus as a great composition tool. I thought this was a great photo because I liked that it was a nature photo, to me nature photos are always beautiful. I liked how you can also see some frozen sticks in the background, while he still brought some main focus to some sticks in the front.