
Star lit box

Artist Statement:

  • This picture is for a project called "Abstraction." I was in the car with my mom. This was a small box that was given to me at my 16th birthday party. It was sitting up front when I realized it had the potential to be a good subject for the upcoming abstraction project. I quickly grabbed the box them set it on my lap, I took about four photos and used this one because it was the best. Now for the editing, there was a slight problem, I had forgotten that the exposure was set at 1600, making the photo really bright, well editing I turned down the exposure by a lot. I also saturated the box so the color popped out farther. The original picture, it was an angle down and my legs were in the frame, it made the picture look somewhat weak, I cropped it down so you could only see the box. Here is the final picture.