Time Capsules

For the first art project I had to draw a still object, I drew a tiny lizard tape dispenser from the Pixar movie, "Tangled." It was pretty easy, there wasn't much detail too copy so that made it easy to draw, it was pretty fun though. I was late for the project, so I went into the art room and thats what popped out to me, so wanted to draw it. For the second art project I had to draw my hand holding something, I chose to draw my hand writing on a piece of lined paper. It was kinda difficult as you could imagine, we couldn't use any pictures so any moment could mess up my drawing. For the third art project I had to draw a self portrait, I did this by staring into a mirror whilst drawing. For me, it wasn't hard at all it was pretty easy. It was really fun to do the whole time. At the end, I made myself a bodybuilder just for comedic purposes. For my last art project I had to draw a corner of a room, I drew the corner section of my room. There weren't many sections to do, so I chose this section. It was kind of a boring section so squeezed in a hat and that little chair. I did enjoy doing it as well.