Paper Sculpture

In this project I made a paper sculpture using only one piece of paper and masking tape. The prompt for this project was that we had to think of one word that described the last few months of our life. My word was productive. I chose this world because I had been working hard in the months before this project in school and outside of school. I could only use one sheet of paper, so I had to be creative and use my resources wisely. I decided to create a factory to represent the word productive because I thought it showed the word the best. A specific element and principle of design I used was shape. I needed to use shape in this piece because I needed the paper factory to resemble a real life factory so people could make the connection.

One composition rule and technique I used was informal balance. I used this by making one of the buildings much bigger than the other part which was taller and skinnier. I think this made a more interesting composition to look at. At first I was only going to have the main building but I decided I needed to add more so I put the side building on. I had to cut out the bottom of the big building to have enough material to do that.

I decided to make my word productive because I’ve been very productive in the past few months. I have been so inside and outside of school. In school I maintained high honor roll and did well on midterms and I also scored my first goal in high school hockey. I picked the factory to represent it because factories make things so I thought people would make that connection. The part I’m most proud of in this piece is how it looks like a real factory and shows the word produce. The hardest part was using the paper wisely so that I didn’t run out. This shows my strengths and weaknesses as a learner because I was able to learn to create a sculpture that represented a word.