6th Grade Digital Citizenship


Digital Citizenship -- curriculum is based on Common Sense Media

- Students explore the benefits and risks of online talk, learn to recognize inappropriate talk and the patterns of online predators, and apply strategies for safe online communication.

- Students learn to think critically about the information they share online.

- Students learn to manage personal information, create strong passwords, and examine website privacy policies to understand how to keep their information safe and secure.

- Students explore the role of digital media in their lives, their communities, and their culture, and learn how good digital citizens harness these tools responsibly.

- Students learn that the Internet is a public space, and then develop skills to protect their privacy and respect the privacy of others.

- Students explore the ethics of online relationships – both the negative behaviors to avoid, such as cyberbullying and hate speech, and the positive behaviors that support collaboration and community.

- Students explore their online versus their offline identity.

- Students learn how they present themselves online can affect their relationships, sense of self, and reputations.

A Parents' Guide to Facebook (Revised 2012 Edition by Anne Collier & Larry Magid)


30% Attitude & Effort: 2 points per day, 1 for attitude and 1 for effort. 10 points total per week. No loss of points for absences or 4 day weeks. Effort points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late.

70% Projects/tests

Unit 2: Self-Image, Identity, and Reputation

Unit 3: Cyberbullying

Unit 4: Creative Credit

Unit 5: Personal Security

Wrap Up