Online Courses

Course Options & Availability

Limited online course options are available; not many online courses fulfill high school graduation requirements.

On-campus PSEO student may take online courses as part of their class schedule.

Delivery Formats

Online courses may be taken in one of the following formats:

Time Commitment

Students should expect to commit the same amount of time to online, remote and blended courses as fully in-person courses. Students must be self-directed and enjoy independent learning.

To find both online (asynchronous ) AND remote (synchronous) courses in Schedule Builder, use the "Class Search" function and select "Instruction Mode" from the list.

Check "Online" and then click Search.  (See image below.)

To check if a course has available seats, click on the "Show sections" button for the course and view the number of seats filled.

Instruction Mode Course Selection Screen
Show sections button
Seats filled example

To find only online (asynchronous ) OR remote (synchronous in Zoom) courses in Schedule Builder, use the "Class Search" function and select "Class Attributes" from the list.

Check either "Online" or "Remote" and then click Search.  (See image below.)

To check if a course has available seats, click on the "Show sections" button for the course and view the number of seats filled.

Course Options at Other UMN Campuses (Crookston, Duluth & Twin Cities)

UMN Morris PSEO students may also enroll in courses at other UMN campuses; however, they need to apply and be admitted to each campus to do so.