Student Living Related

May PSEO students live in a residential hall and have a meal plan? 

YES, but housing and meal plans will NOT be covered by the PSEO program

If I plan to live in a residential hall, am I required to have a meal plan?

YES, if you live in a residential hall, you are required to have a meal plan. Your meal plan will NOT be covered by the PSEO program

May PSEO students put Dining Dollars on their Student ID card? 

YES. PSEO students may put "Dining Dollars" on their Student Account (ID card) to be used at any Sodexho location which includes Turtle Mountain Cafe, Dining Hall, Higbies and the Campus C-Store.

May PSEO students have a car on campus? 

YES, but the cost of the parking permit will NOT be covered by the PSEO program

May PSEO students access the Regional Fitness Center (RFC)? 

Only when participating in a UMN Morris Course. PSEO students do not pay the Student Services Fee, so if they want non-course related RFC access PSEO students will have to purchase a membership or pass. A 16 year old can purchase a membership, but a parent or guardian must also sign their membership form.  

Important:  If a PSEO student is enrolled in a PE course (e.g. SSA 1051 Fitness for Life, SSA 1101 First Aid), they do not need to purchase an RFC membership to participate in class. 

If PSEO students would like to use a RFC locker, they have two options:

Student Health Related

May PSEO students access services from UMN Morris Health Service? 

PSEO students living in campus housing may access UMN Morris Health Services. All other PSEO students should use their local health provider.

May PSEO students access services through Student Counseling? 

YES. PSEO students may access services through Student Counseling.

Are PSEO students required to take the Sexual Violence Prevention Training for Undergraduate Students course? 

It depends on the where the PSEO student is taking their courses.

PSEO students who have at least one course on the UMN Morris campus are required to take the Sexual Violence Prevention Training for Undergraduate Students course.

PSEO students who are only enrolled in online courses are NOT required to take the Sexual Violence Prevention Training for Undergraduate Students course.

Student Academics Related

May PSEO students take courses with additional course-related fees such as individual music lessons? 

NO. PSEO students may not enroll in any course that has additional course-related costs or any other special fees beyond per credit tuition costs. 

The policy includes individual music instruction, courses with a consumable materials fee, courses that incur travel-related costs, and courses with fees levied by outside groups such as the Stevens County Ambulance Service or the Regional Fitness Center (RFC).

May PSEO students participate in music and vocal ensembles? 

YES. PSEO students may participate in Choral Ensembles, Symphonic Winds, Jazz Ensembles, and Chamber Orchestra if the course does not include any travel-related expenses. Because ensembles employ S-N (pass/fail) grading, students should check with their high school counselor to make sure they are allowed to participate in courses with S-N grading before registering for these courses. 

May PSEO students take summer courses? 

YES, but the costs incurred will NOT be covered by the PSEO program. 

May session is part of summer term. PSEO funding is not available for summer as there is no general education revenue available. PSEO students are welcome to take summer term courses as non-degree seeking students at their own expense

Important: High school students who wish to take a course as a non-degree seeking student after they graduate from high school should check with the institution they plan to enroll in for the next academic year before registering for summer courses. This is because taking courses after high school graduation could affect first year status and any potential first year scholarships. 

May PSEO students participate in study abroad programs? 

NO. The UMN Learning Abroad Center Eligibility Policy notes that as non-degree seeking students, PSEO students generally are not eligible for study abroad programs through the Learning Abroad Center. Additionally, due to the way tuition and fees are charged for study abroad, the PSEO program cannot cover the tuition for any course requirements.  

May PSEO students access the tutoring offered by the Student Success Center? 

YES. PSEO students are encouraged to do so. 

May PSEO students use the Writing Center? 

YES. The Writing Center, located in Briggs 252, is a place for students to discuss their writing with a trained peer writing consultant, free of charge. Writing Center consultants work with student writers at all stages of the writing process, including brainstorming, drafting, organizing, and revising; they can offer feedback on how to make an argument stronger, choose and analyze evidence, focus paragraphs, write introductions and conclusions, and more. Consultants do not proofread papers, but they can help writers learn to edit their own work. 

May PSEO students access services through the Disability Resources Center? 

YES. PSEO students may access services through the Disability Resource Center (DRC). The DRC collaborates with students who have disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations.

May PSEO students take an Honors course? 

YES, if there is room in the class. The honors program per the University-wide policy is for undergraduate degree-seeking students. PSEO students are non degree-seeking students, so they are not automatically eligible.

May PSEO students participate in a directed study course? 

YES. PSEO students may participate in a directed study. 

IMPORTANT:  You will go to the Office of the Registrar to register for a directed study. Make sure you inform the PSEO adviser once registered so that your credits may be recorded on communications with your high school and the Minnesota Department of Education. 

May PSEO students participate in an internship? 

YES. PSEO students may participate in an internship. 

IMPORTANT:  You will go to the Office of the Registrar to register for an internship. Make sure you inform the PSEO adviser once registered so that your credits may be recorded on communications with your high school and the Minnesota Department of Education. 

Technology Related

How do I connect to the University of Minnesota WiFI system? 

eduroam is the preferred secure network at the University of Minnesota. 

How do I access my Canvas course site? 

Canvas is the Learning Management System at all University of Minnesota campuses. 

How do I set my preferred name and personal pronouns in my Canvas profile?

How do I set my Canvas notification preferences as a student? 

Canvas includes a set of default notification preferences you can receive for your courses. Notifications are sent to Canvas contact methods as specified in your account. However, you can change the default settings by setting your own notification preferences. These preferences only apply to you; they are not used to control how course updates are sent to other users. 

What are other technologies might I use as a student (Zoom, Kaltura, etc)?

Students may be asked to use Zoom (virtual meeting platform) and Kaltura (media management platform) for class activities:

What are my printing options on campus? 

There are many printing options on campus. You can print from your device or a campus computer lab, or you can use duplicating services. Current rates for printing to campus printers are 5 cents/side (page) for black and white documents and 50 cents/side for color documents.

Student Involvement Related

Are PSEO students eligible to play UMN Morris varsity sports? 

YES. Students who want to participate in NCAA Division III Varsity Athletics at the UMN Morris should contact UMN Morris Athletics. 

Does participating with a college team make you ineligible for Minnesota State High School League sponsored activities? 

YES, but students who have participated with a college or university team in an activity or sport sponsored by the League are ineligible for participation in any League-sponsored activity.

16.   COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY TEAMSIndividuals who have participated with a college or university team are ineligible for participation in any activity of the League.

May PSEO students audition for a musical or play? 

NO. The Minnesota Department of Education has deemed participation in theatre performance classes as PSEO ineligible. 

May PSEO students join student clubs? 

YES. PSEO students may participate in student clubs, but their priority and focus should be their coursework and completing their high school graduation requirements. To learn more, contact, or sign up for a club, sign in to Morris Organizations and select a club.

What is the age limitation for Minnesota high school education services? 

Student Finance Related

Are PSEO students eligible for work study, MAPs or MSAFs? 

NO. PSEO students are NOT eligible for any type of work study or grants.

What happens if I lose, destroy or fail to return textbooks provided through the PSEO Office or Campus Bookstore? 

The textbooks are for your use while taking courses at UMN Morris. The textbooks are the property of the UMN Morris PSEO program. Books and materials obtained from the UMN Bookstore must be returned including books, CD-ROM’s, supplemental workbooks, etc. -- including items marked "cannot be returned if opened." Any books or materials not returned by the book return deadline will be charged to your student account. If you want to purchase your PSEO materials, simply keep them and pay the charges to your student account. 

What happens if I break lab equipment? 

If you break lab equipment, you will be asked to complete a form such as this one from the chemistry discipline: Form: Broken Chemistry Lab Equipment. The cost of the item will be charged to your student account and will not be waived by the PSEO program. You will be responsible to pay this charge to your student account. 

Note: Chemistry lab equipment can range from $1.00 to $100.00, so please exercise care when using lab equipment. 

What happens if I accrue fines for the late return of Briggs library books? 

The fine will be charged to your student account and will not be waived by the PSEO program. You are responsible to pay this charge to your student account. 

I received a letter about needing to provide my social security number for tax purposes; however, since I don’t pay tuition as a PSEO student, do I need to do this? 

What is a 1098-T form? What do I need to know about the form? 

From  Educational Tax Benefit Page for Students and Parents 

What is a 1098-T?

A Form 1098-T is intended to be used to substantiate certain tax credits when students or parents file their tax returns. The University is required to issue a Form 1098-T for each eligible student they enroll and for whom a reportable transaction is made. See IRS Publication 970 and IRS Publication 5197 for more information. 

Why did my high school student get a 1098-T form and/or a W-9s form?

If your student was enrolled in a program such as the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options program (PSEO), College in the Schools program (CIS), or University of Minnesota Talented Youth Mathematics Program (UMTYMP) and had qualified charges that were paid during the calendar year, the University is required to provide Form 1098-T to your student. The University requests the student's social security number using Form W-9S so it can be listed on your student’s Form 1098-T. 

Why didn’t I get a 1098-T form?

Reasons why you might not receive a Form 1098-T include:

If you did not receive a Form 1098-T and would like to request one, please contact your campus for assistance. See contact information below.

What are qualified tuition and related expenses?

Qualified tuition and related expenses are tuition, required fees, and required course materials for enrolled students at the University. The following are not qualified tuition and related expenses: charges and fees for room, board, insurance, medical expenses (including student health fees), transportation, childcare reimbursements, and similar personal, living, or family expenses.

Study abroad programs follow this same logic - tuition and required fees are qualified, and personal expenses including travel are not.

Do book and computer purchases from University Bookstores show up on Form 1098-T?

These items are not tracked within the student finance system of the University. Each student must keep track of their qualified charges (e.g., required books and required equipment) on their own.

How can I view/print my IRS 1098-T form?

If you're a student, follow the instructions below. If you're a parent or guest of a student, see separate 1098-T access instructions.

Text instructions

Visual guide

To open the guide in a new window, use the full-screen version.

How do I get my Form 1098-T?