Major Requirements

All UMN Morris undergraduates must pick a major, a single area where you take a specific curriculum from the introductory to the advanced levels. PSEO students are not allowed to officially pick (declare) a major, but classes you take during your time in PSEO will count towards whatever UMN Morris major you eventually declare.

How do I pick a major?

Start by exploring the majors, minors, licensure areas and pre-professional programs offered through the four UMN Morris divisions: Education, The Humanities, Science and Mathematics, and Social Sciences. 

Attend the UMN Morris Majors & Interests Fair, usually held just prior to fall break.  Meet with representatives from academic programs and the Academic Center for Enrichment.

How many credits in my major field do I need to take?

Each UMN Morris major requires a different number of credits. For example, a History major has 40 required credits within the major; whereas, a Chemistry major has 60-74 required credits within the major. Check the degree requirements in the UMN Morris Degree Program PDF to find the credits required in the major that interests you.

I know which major I'm interested in , what courses should I take?

If you know what major you are interested in, you should review the degree requirements for that major to consider the following:

Admissions Requirements: Some majors will list courses you must complete before you can declare the major as an undergraduate. The admission requirements are often foundational courses.

Prerequisites: Viewing a course in schedule builder will show you any courses you must take prior to enrolling in the course you are viewing. For example, viewing CHEM 1102 General Chemistry II, you will see that you must first take CHEM 1101 General Chemistry I.

Sample Plans: Many majors offer sample plans. The sample plan shows how a student may plan to fulfill the major requirements--courses you should take your first year, second year and so on. These sample plans are just examples to give you a idea of how to plan out your major. Your plan may vary depending on class order, when classes are offered, and what electives you choose.

You can find courses that will fulfill UMN Morris major requirements in several places.

Majors - Online University Catalog

Degree programs PDF

APAS - Running a What-if APAS allows you to see how your credits would apply to a specific program that is not your declared program. 

Can I take all the courses required for my major while in PSEO?

Even once you have completed the prerequisites for a course, there may be times when you'll be prohibited from taking a course because the seats are reserved for non-PSEO students, such as seats are reserved for first year students or for students who have already declared a major. Each major varies on how often reserved seats or prerequisites will keep you from enrolling in a course as a PSEO student.

Due to the required course sequence of some majors, many PSEO students will still need three years to complete a major even if they spent two full-time years in PSEO.