How to Request a Permission Number

Instructions Regarding Permission Numbers for PSEO Students

  1. Email the instructor from your University-assigned email address.

  2. The instructor will respond to your email. If the instructor decides to add you to the class, the email will contain a permission number.

  3. Send a thank you email to the instructor whether you received a permission number or not.

  4. If you receive a permission number, forward it to the PSEO Adviser.

  5. IMPORTANT: Permission numbers are usually time sensitive, often expiring after 24 or 48 hours, so once you send a request for a permission number, be diligent about checking your email.

  6. The PSEO Adviser will use the permission number to enroll you.

  7. The PSEO Adviser will send an email notifying you that you are officially enrolled.

How to Draft a Permission Number Request

  1. Use a clear and concise subject line. (example: Kindly request permission number for ENGL 1601-001).

  2. Begin your message with an appropriate greeting (example: Dear Professor Smith,)

      • Do not use "hey"

  3. Address your instructor using an appropriate title.

      • Professor or Dr. (assume a Ph.D. if you are not sure).

  4. Identify yourself.

  5. Concisely and politely request permission to join the class; don’t assume you will receive permission to join.

      • Include the course number (example: ENGL 1601)

      • Include the three-digit section number (example: Section 001)

      • Include the meeting days/time (example: MWF 8:00am)

  6. Include an explanation about why you wish to take the class.

  7. Don’t use slang, jargon, texting abbreviations, or emoticons.

  8. Include an appreciative phrase (example: Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.)

  9. Add a closing. (example: Sincerely, or Respectfully,) or similar.

  10. Always sign off with your first and last name. Include your ID # if the class is particularly large or you have a common name.

  11. Proofread it aloud to yourself before you hit send.

Examples Request for Permission Number

Subject Line: Request Registration Permission Number for ENGL 1601-001

Dear Professor Smith,

My name is Julie Davis, and I am a PSEO student at UMN Morris. I am currently on the waitlist for your ENGL1601-001 Writing for the Liberal Arts course that meets MWF at 8:00am. I would love to join your class to improve my writing skills. Would you be willing to add me to your class?

Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.


Julie Davis

ID # 7778899

Example Thank You (if you receive a permission number)

Dear Professor Smith,

Thank you for the permission number. I look forward to your class.


Julie Davis

Example Thank You (if you did not receive a permission number)

Dear Professor Smith,

Thank you for considering my request.


Julie Davis