Student Data & Access

Updating Your Information

High School

Address or Phone Number

Preferred Name

Pronouns & Gender Identity

Directory Suppression

Some of your student information is designated as directory information and is a matter of public record such as your name and registration status. If you are a currently-enrolled student, you have the right to suppress this information. Set directory suppression (step by step instructions).

Third Party Access to UMN Morris Student Information

Your permission is required for a parent or guest to view the details of your University of Minnesota student record.

Regardless of age, PSEO students’ grades, class schedule, academic advisor meetings/notes, and communications with students are protected information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). 

FERPA also created a statement regarding dual enrollment

UMN Morris staff and faculty cannot discuss this protected information with any third party, including parents, without signed consent from the student. Regents policy, federal law, and state law regulate release of student information to third parties, in addition to regulating the sharing of information within the University.

 Do not share your University Internet password with anyone. Sharing this information violates University policy and may lead to a loss of your Internet privileges and disciplinary action. 

If you need to grant or remove a third party (e.g., parent) access to information on your student record, complete the parent/guest access process

For parent/guest access to your PSEO advising appointments, contact the PSEO Adviser.

Limits to Confidentially

In the PSEO program, confidentiality is important to us, and most of your conversations (including email) with PSEO staff are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). As a result, these conversations are considered confidential, even from your parents or guardians. However, University policy, state, and federal laws place some limits on confidentiality and may require PSEO staff to release information, without your permission, to designated authorities. Learn more.

Student Internet Account/Access Longevity

Students will lose access to their University email and Google apps two weeks after finals week of their last semester in the program unless they plan to attend the one of the University of Minnesota campuses after high school graduation. If you need access to your email account and/or Google apps again in the future, contact the PSEO Adviser.

Students can continue to access their University of Minnesota account elements such as MyU for five years after their last PSEO class.