Keevon Strange

Keevon Strange is in the graduating class of 2023. While he has only been at Galileo for a year, he strives to enjoy every moment.

What are your achievements/ clubs?

I don’t have any clubs.

What are your hobbies?

Play video games, sometimes I do a little bit of exercise [and] watch Youtube. 

What makes you special?

I’ve always been known to have a kind personality…

What is your favorite teacher/ class and why?

Ms. Nipper. She was very good at what she did and really helped us get to learn the computer and everything.

What senior would you want to be your sibling and why?

James Richardson. (never specified why)

Without saying their name, describe a person that you have had or currently had a secret crush on.

I never had one.

What is your favorite memory at Galileo?

I don’t have any.

Describe your most scary moment at Galileo.

I had a C in [Ms. Larking’s] class when I used to have an A. My grade jumped down all the way to a C because of a test I took. I was working to get that grade back to an A so I wouldn’t take an exam right at the end of the semester.

What advice would you give your freshman self?

Do your work, pay attention, and don’t act like a fool.

What is an unpopular opinion you have?

I don’t have an unpopular opinion.

What song explains your life?

I don’t have one of those either.