Spreading love throughout Galileo

by Carol-Anne Garrett, Reporter

February 11, 2022

What makes Valentine’s day so special to the students at Galileo? Yes, some have a Valentine's, but others get to receive positive letters from people at school.

The Valentines message board at Galileo was made last year. Mrs.Vater, a teacher at Galileo said, “we were trying to come up with ideas that could be fun for both students at home and in school.” This year there were about 370 messages submitted into the Google form sent out to each student. Vater said her favorite part about this is, “reading through the submissions.” It makes her feel good to know that we have so many sweet and thoughtful students in this school.

Some messages are specifically to just one friend and others are sent out to make everyone smile. Sarah Garrett, a sophomore at Galileo said “I wrote some for my friends and my boyfriend Lucas.” She said she wanted to make her friends smile with a positive note thanking them for being such amazing people. Ava Wray said she wrote about 25 letters to friends, teachers, and teammates. “I had to do them all last minute, so I hope I didn’t forget anyone.”

Not only do students write these letters, but so can teachers, custodians, administrations, and cafeteria workers! Since there’s about 370 messages, not one person can put it on the board. Mrs.Vater said that SCA members will staple them to the bulletin board. When will the messages be revealed? The reveal is on Friday!