Santiago Escobar

Santiago Escobar is a part of the graduating class of 2022. He has been at Galileo since freshman year and plans to go to the University of Virginia (UVA).

What are your achievements/ clubs?

Formed part of the Soccer Team during my junior year (2020-2021)

Formed part of FBLA during my junior year (2020-2021)

Acquired a Microsoft Specialist Expert certificate during my junior year (2020-2021)

Acquired a C1 English Certificate in Cambridge, England (2018)

What are your hobbies/ what makes you special?

Hobbies - I play video games in my free time, but I am also interested in everything related to tech, such as coding, designing, and building computers. In fact, I built a computer for my brother this past winter.

I'm also very passionate about learning new languages. I already know Spanish and English, and have worked a bit on learning Italian and Portuguese. I want to know five languages by the time I graduate from college.

What senior would you want to be your sibling and why?

I have too many siblings, I don’t want anymore lol

Without saying their name, describe a person that you have had or currently had a secret crush on.

I'm currently seeing someone from work; she never attended Galileo. She's super sweet and has a great personality. She's fun to be around and always has the best ideas for conversation. And is obviously really cute too!

What is your favorite memory at Galileo?

Not necessarily at Galileo, but during my freshman year, I was able to sign up for a school trip to an amusement park with the JETS club. We visited the Busch Gardens amusement park. We got to ride all the roller coasters and also got to see how they work. It was a lot of fun.

Describe your most scary, funny, embarrassing, or awkward moment at Galileo.

I believe it was my first year at Galileo. I had a big cultural shock moment. The thing is, in my culture, people greet each other with kisses on the cheek, if they know each other, of course. And I had made a friend here at Galileo with whom I talked very often. One day, I met her in the hallway and, out of pure habit, I reached to give her a kiss on the cheek. She got a little spooked but after explaining it, she just laughed.

What advice would you give your freshman self?

Don't overthink things. Don't take things for granted. And just live the moment, don't spend time thinking about the future so much.

What is the theme song of your life?

Lady - Hear Me Tonight by Modjo

What is an unpopular opinion you have?

Galileo is the best school in Danville.

What is something you believe with all your heart?

Nothing lasts forever, so you should just enjoy the moment.

What is something you hope is different about the world ten years from now?

No more pandemics, wars, economic collapses, etc. It will probably get worse before it gets better, but hopefully, in ten years, the world is calmer and at peace.

What is your philosophy/ motto in life?

Working hard now allows you to rest later. Resting now will force you to work hard later.