Low riskers should stay home too

by Summer Gore, Reporter

April 17, 2020

COVID-19 is all over the news and on people’s minds. Countries are taking several precautions to protect the health of their citizens, much like the U.S. A lot of American schools are closing as well as businesses and restrictions are being placed on certain states. As of right now, Virginia has a few restrictions on gatherings and going out for unessential things.

The virus is known for mainly affecting older people and people with preexisting medical issues, anyone can get it but a lot of low-risk people don’t feel the symptoms of it and when they do, it’s mild. With that being said, many people who are at low risk don’t think of the people around them.

Anyone can get the virus, no matter who you are, which means anyone can spread it. Low-risk people mainly focus on the fact that they’ll be okay if they get it, but their grandparents might not or the young adult with an out immune disease they walked past in the grocery store.

Since low riskers don’t have symptoms, they often don’t know if they have it without getting tested and being tested isn’t the easiest thing right now. The best thing you can do as a younger and healthier person is staying home, whether you believe you have it or not. Social distancing and self quarantining are key right now to slowing down the virus. The virus lives through people and is given more space to live as it spreads, so quarantining could kill it. Take this break as vacation and stay home.