Marina Garcia

Marina Garcia is a senior in the graduating class of 2022. She has been at Galileo since the beginning of this year, and wants to "be everywhere" in her future.

What are your achievements/ clubs?

I ran cross country and I’m still on the track team even though I’m injured.

What are your hobbies/ what makes you special?

I think a lot and I let myself feel a lot and I’m not scared to show it. With those feelings, I like to write about it and listen to music that’s going to relate to them just to let myself go deep into those feelings.

What is your favorite teacher/ class and why?

My favorite teacher is Mr.Carter, he’s my bestie. I know I can trust him and when I have a problem I tell him and I know he’s going to be there listening to me. He helps a lot and his class is interesting and fun.

What senior would you want to be your sibling and why?

I would like to be Jamison’s sister because I feel like we would go on walks and just listen to music together. I would like him to teach me how to play the piano or the guitar.

Without saying their name, describe a person that you have had or currently had a secret crush on.

They’re a nice person and they have the best eyes to stare at.

What is your favorite memory at Galileo?

When the track team came from the indoor state championship. As soon as they arrived at the school they all gave me a group hug.

Describe your most scary, funny, embarrassing, or awkward moment at Galileo.

The scariest and funniest moment a galileo is when Mr.Carter hides behind a wall and scares me while recording.

What advice would you give your freshman self?

I would say don’t stress even though I still do that.

What is the theme song of your life?

Shut up and Dance, because every time the song is being played life is automatically better.

What is something you hope is different about the world ten years from now?

Racism, hate towards the LGBTQ+ community, and all hate, in general, doesn’t exist, because it doesn’t make any sense hating on someone for who they truly are.

What is your philosophy/ motto in life?

You only live one so live to the fullest without regrets.