GMHS is hosting a Holiday Spirit Week

By Jackson Adcock, Reporter

On the week of December 9th, Galileo Magnet High School is having a Holiday Spirit Week.

The Galileo SCA decided it was a good idea for Galileo to celebrate the holidays by hosting another annual Spirit Week.

Monday will be Red and Green Day, on which students can dress up in festive colors. On Tuesday, students will enjoy the comfort of wearing festive pajamas to school. On Wednesday, students can wear festive hats and socks. On Thursday, everyone will be dressing up as their favorite characters from their favorite Christmas movie. Everyone has an ugly sweater, and on Friday, everyone will finally be able to put their sweater to use on Ugly Sweater Day.

Most students enjoy participating in a Spirit Week because of the excitement the colorful and silly outfits bring to a regular school day. As for the teachers, Spirit Week often holds a deeper meaning.

“I absolutely love it when our whole school participates in something together because it’s such a unifying experience...Even though we’re all really unique here, we have this place in common; Spirit Week feels like a time where we really celebrate that,” said Mrs. Larking, English teacher, when asked about her opinion on Spirit Week.

Galileo students and teachers will surely be united by their Christmas cheer this following week.