Governor Northam's new measures

by Haley Youngs, Reporter

November 19, 2020

Virginia’s COVID-19 cases are on the rise just like the rest of the United States and really the entire world. Some people are calling for a new lockdown as they say a second wave of covid is coming. In preparation for what is to come over the holiday seasons, Governor Northam has set new statewide guidelines to contain the COVID-19 spread.

Governor Northam, said, “Everyone is tired of this pandemic and restrictions on our lives. I’m tired, and I know you are tired too. But as we saw earlier this year, these mitigation measures work. I am confident that we can come together as one Commonwealth to get this virus under control and save lives.”

Although I’m going to summarize what Northam stated in his video, you can also go watch it for yourself here.

Some of the more notable guidelines that affect students:

  • Reduction in public/private gatherings: All public and private in-person gatherings must be limited to 25 individuals(was 250 people). This is for both outdoor and indoor settings.

  • Expansion of mask mandate: All Virginians ages five and up(was 10 +) are now required to wear face coverings in indoor public spaces.

  • Strengthened enforcement within essential retail businesses: All essential businesses(grocery stores/pharmacies, ect) must follow guidelines such as: physical distancing, wearing face coverings, and enhanced cleaning.

It’s important not to panic at this time. This does not mean that another lockdown is coming, but overall only time will tell what is to come next. Remember to stay safe and follow the guidelines to not just protect yourself, but the people around you as well.