Dylan Kirk

Dylan Kirk is a part of the graduating class of 2022. He has been at Galileo since freshman year and plans to go to the University of Virginia (UVA) to study Kinesiology.

What are your achievements/ clubs?

Achievements - We are a three-time winning 4x8 relay team here at Galileo. We won the 4x4 this year, and then we were the cross country state champions this year.

Clubs - Cross Country, Indoor Track/Field, Outdoor Track/Field, Soccer, and BETA.

What are your hobbies/ what makes you special?

Hobbies - I like playing Piano, Soccer, Volleyball, and Hanging out with friends in general.

Specialty - I’m very confident in who I am, and I’m definitely okay with who I am. I’m a very open person when it comes to myself, and I guess that’s what makes me special.

What is your favorite teacher/ class and why?

Let me start by saying that there are a lot of amazing teachers at Galileo, and I honestly can’t say that I dislike any of them. However, I would probably say my favorite class that I had the most fun in was my Environmental Studies class with Mr. Carter. His way of teaching is very unorthodox but in a very effective way.

What senior would you want to be your sibling and why?

Probably Antony because I feel like in a home setting we would probably stay in our rooms and not interact with each other which is kind of ideal.

Without saying their name, describe a person that you have had or currently had a secret crush on.

He’s about 4’8, has short hair, has a dad's gut with a pelican nose, and he plays starting defense on the soccer team.

What is your favorite memory at Galileo?

One of my favorite memories/ best times I had at Galileo is definitely some of the activities we would do in Theater 1.

Describe your most scary, funny, embarrassing, or awkward moment at Galileo.

Funny/Embarrassing - Brendan and I were talking about toppings that go well on froyo, and we were “too enthusiastic” about it and got sent to the principal’s office for being too loud.

What advice would you give your freshman self?

Be more comfortable and be open to who you are.

What is the theme song of your life?

Vienna - Billy Joel

What is something you believe with all your heart?

Joke - You can kiss anyone and not be homosexual

Serious- There are people out there with talents and you will be at a natural disadvantage compared to other people, but I do think you do what you need to do when you are desperate, and anything is possible through hard work and determination.

What is something you hope is different about the world ten years from now?

I hope that things are a lot more equal in this world. Also, hopefully, people are more accepting.

What is your philosophy/ motto in life?

Whatever happens, happens.