Galileo's lovely Valentine's Day dance

by Amirah Warner, Reporter

March 22, 2023

The SCA board strikes again with another exhilarating event for the students of Galileo.  On February 24th, the school hosted a Valentine’s Day dance and everyone that went had an absolute ball. 

The SCA board had the idea of this dance because they wanted to give an opportunity for the students to attend a dance-related event that wasn’t as formal as the prom that we’ll be having soon. This dance was made to be much less solemn, more affordable, and the same amount of fun. Mrs. Murphy, the funder of the dance, was the reason that this whole event could come to life. Murphy paid for the decorations and food, as well as helped the SCA board decorate. 

The students that went to this dance had the times of their lives. There was dancing, singing, eating, and conversing throughout the whole cafeteria. There were even many jaw-dropping looks that caused everyone at the dance to stare in awe. “I loved being able to see everyone in their beautiful attire,” states freshman Sasha Whittle.

While the dance was full of many show-stopping outfits, the main attraction for many students was the food that was served, specifically a heart tray of Chick-fil-a nuggets. Freshman Cacey Massey agrees, noting, “My favorite part of the dance has got to be the food. The nuggets ran out in basically 10 minutes.”

While everyone had their different favorite moments, none of them would’ve happened without Murphy and the SCA board. If you see any of the members, or Murphy, in the halls then say a quick “thank you” to them for allowing us to have such a great time.