Camila Rodriguez

Camila Rodriguez is a part of the graduating class of 2023. She’s been here since freshman year and plans to attend DCC for 2 years and then go to VCU to pursue a career in dental. 

What are your achievements or clubs that you participate in?

I participate in cross county, track, SCA, FBLA, and POP club. 

I’m the captain of the girl's XC and track team.

What are your hobbies, what makes you stand out?

Running, listening to music, sleeping, and watching movies. 

Who has been your favorite teacher or class and why?

Carter because he’s just fun to have as a teacher and he makes everything fun.

What senior would you want to be your sibling and why?

Olivia because we’re opposites, but we get eachother. 

Without saying their name, describe a person that you have had or currently have a secret crush on.

Had a crush on someone: He is quiet, a very easy person to talk to, someone that I feel really comfortable around, he is never in drama, he always knew how to make me laugh and sometimes he is really clueless of everything that goes on around him.

Describe your most memorable moment at Galileo.

If I had to choose, it would be freshman year, when we painted our hands and put them on the cafeteria walls and then wrote our names on them. 

What’s your favorite quote from a teacher or fellow student?

“Homegirls been pregnant for like 2 years,” - Carter 

What advice would you give your freshmen self?

Don’t get into drama and just have fun

What is an unpopular opinion you have?

Avocados are nasty 

What are you most passionate about in life?

Becoming a dentist 

What is your motto in life?

Just keep going