Lighthouse School, Inc.

September 30, 2022 

"If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner.  

The price of victory is high but so are the rewards."

--Bear Bryant (American college football player and coach)

Wellman Avenue Facility Entrance
Mill Road Facility Entrance
Wellman Avenue Facility Entrance

"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say."

--Bryant H. McGill (international best-selling author and activist)


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Spirit Week & Cluster Breakfast

 Monthly Themes


September & October

          September's Theme of the Month: Pride

During the month of September, we dedicated time working with students to develop pride in themselves through academic and therapeutic progress. We not only helped students develop pride in themselves, but in something larger than them as well: the school.  Students participated in discussions, lessons and activities to help them experience teamwork and pride in an authentic way.

We often associate pride with large accomplishments or events, such as winning an award or patriotism during the period following 9/11. While these experiences are important, we focus on pride during the small moments as well.

We are proud of our new students for taking the risk to start at a new school. We are proud of our students for trying a new coping skill in place of maladaptive behavior. We are proud of our classrooms as they bond together as teams to accomplish a common goal. 

Students develop a better understanding of pride through experience with events such as Spirit Week and Group Therapy lessons encouraging self-acceptance, identity development, and enhancing self-esteem. At Lighthouse School, we help students identify and embrace their likes, dislikes, values, interests, and unique differences that make them who they are.

We hope you take the opportunity to reflect on pride with your student, remembering that the small moments are meaningful as well. Below is a link to a brief video about pride, identity, and values you can use to spark a discussion with your child: 


           October's Theme of the Month: Respect

During the month of October, students will be exploring the Bioeducational theme of Respect. Our students will explore tools to navigate social situations and learn what it means to show respect to themselves and others. We will all teach them to consider the effect their actions can have on other people. October is also Bullying Prevention Month and the theme of respect will be highlighted as we talk to students about bullying as well. School is a common setting where bullying can occur and given the social, emotional and behavioral goals students at Lighthouse are working on, they can be potential targets or aggressors in bullying cases. Our students will learn to show respect for themselves and others through role modeling, highlighting the importance of treating others the way they would like to be treated. 

If you'd like to follow up on the theme of Respect at home, we are including a few relevant book and movie recommendations:


Movie Suggestions: 

Bridge to Terabithia, Chicken Little, Sky High, Karate Kid

What's New at Lighthouse School this year?

Tokens Are Back!

We are very excited to announce our return to token reinforcement for students in the 100, 200 and 300 clusters. Positive reinforcement is required to motivate kids to work hard on personal goals.  Click for more.

Research and our experience has led us to believe that nothing beats the power of a token economy for students in these age groups. We adjusted our system to accommodate health and hygiene guidelines during Covid, and are happy now to get back to the tried and true system we have used for over 50 years. The kids have quickly adjusted to the change and are invested in earning tokens and saving for motivational items or activities. 

Literacy Program

We have made improvements to our Literacy program for our 100 and 200 Cluster students. We have adopted two new programs this school year:  Foundations and S.P.I.R.E.  Click for more.

These programs include various steps and levels to support the development of phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension.  Our staff participated in many hours of formalized training to learn and practice these new programs over the summer.  In addition to the training, our students will participate in Literacy 5 days each week.  We have been reading a book in our homerooms and participating in activities related to it throughout the month of September while our students also participated in assessments to determine reading levels and the most appropriate leveled groupings.  Our leveled reading groups will begin the week of 9/26.

Student Library

Along with the exciting changes to our Literacy program, we have made some adjustments to our Student Library.  We have maintained our original library, but also created a second library geared towards younger readers.  Click for more.

There are books of many levels and topics of interest for our students to look at and bring back to their homerooms to read during breaks.  We also have tables and chairs there for students to enjoy reading right in the library as well!

Art Rooms

This year we are pleased to announce the addition of two new art rooms. One at our Wellman site for the 100, 200 and 300 cluster students, and the other at our Mill site for the 400 cluster to enjoy.  Click for more.

These spaces were created to provide a designated area for students to express themselves in creative ways. We find art a powerful mode of self expression for so many of our kids, particularly when it is difficult to share needs and feelings verbally. Our students have enjoyed exploring the new spaces and have already created so many wonderful pieces of art. 

There are options for self directed art projects, but often the students are guided by staff through a process of creating art with a specific goal in mind. For example, cooperative projects help students share different opinions and find their way to a mutually agreeable end point. This skill is incredibly valuable as they work on social interactions and the importance of others perspectives. Other projects may be geared toward exploring a specific feeling or experience as  a vehicle for processing complicated or difficult emotions.

Whether students are using the space for therapeutic gain or simply for fun, the art room will provide many rich opportunities throughout the year. We cannot wait to see what the students create!


Family Support Line

As a reminder, our therapists are available to offer clinical support to families and students 24 hours a day.  If you are in need of assistance, please call our support line, starting with Line 1.

Line #1: (978) 821-1351

If you are not able to connect with a therapist or do not get a response within 10 minutes, please try Line 2.

Line #2: (978) 821-0316

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