Lighthouse School, Inc.

December 4, 2020

“ A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities and second, respecting the differences.”

“The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree, but to hold hands.”
–-Alexandra Penney (American artist, journalist and author)

News & Announcements


A Message from John Tarmey, Director of Program Services:

I would like to talk about an important feature of our program that typically goes unmentioned. I am speaking of our building itself. It has now been over 23 years that we have been at our current location and throughout that time, we have worked to enhance the building and grounds in the same way that we have worked to improve all other aspects of our program. The Philosophy Amplification Project refers to our efforts to create therapeutic experiences throughout the building through the use of engaging creative, artistic ‘stations’ that reflect core concepts of our philosophy. Perhaps even more importantly, we have invested into the building itself as a means to maximize the safety of our students, team members, and guests. Considerable time and resources were invested to mitigate potentially harmful environmental exposures by removing fluorescent lights throughout the school, using eco-friendly cleaning products and no VOC paints, and restricting the use of cell phones on the premises.

During this COVID-19 pandemic, we have paid careful attention to CDC guidance as well as local and state education departments with regards to appropriate mitigation measures to adopt and slow the spread of this and other viruses. Much of the recommended strategies were already a part of our existing procedures, including regularly cleaning and disinfecting common surfaces, teaching proper handwashing and encouraging covering coughs and sneezes. Since the introduction of this new, harder to kill virus we have incorporated additional disinfectant products recommended by the EPA and increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting all touch surfaces throughout the day, combined with a deep cleaning every night.

We also recognize the importance and effectiveness of air filtration and ventilation with clean, outdoor air to combat potential contaminants indoors. As such, our school is outfitted with a robust HVAC system augmented by Lifebreath® units, which are designed to remove stale indoor air and replace it with fresh outdoor air. These systems combine to refresh the air throughout the entire building at an estimated rate of 10 clean-air exchanges per hour, exceeding government standards. In addition, a common practice in our school is to open windows and doors each morning and afternoon as well as utilize exhaust fans daily as other sources of clean air.

During this time apart, we hope you have all remained healthy and safe. We also hope you will feel confident that, when the time comes, your student will be returning to a clean, healthy school environment.

Lighthouse School 2020-2021

Quarter 1 Honor Roll

To expand the impact recognition can have on our students as learners, we began quarterly Academic Honor Roll last year. This acknowledged students that maintain excellence through A/B or Adv./Prof. grades in their core academic areas (ELA, Writing, Reading, Math, History, Science, Electives), with the exception of a grade scope of Adv./Prof./Prog. for Reading and Writing. This opportunity has been powerful for our students to help define their identity as learners and in rebuilding their confidence inside the walls of a school. They can reflect on their hard work and perseverance and thrive from the acknowledgment and attention for rising to the challenge each day. This has also allowed us to have short term goal setting. Not earning Academic Honor Roll might be seen as defeat. However, it is an opportunity for students to meet with their teachers and strengthen their partnership to set attainable goals for the next quarter. It allows them to look at their strengths and limitations and not see them as a roadblock, but an obstacle to work together to overcome. While this focus not only motivates students to learn about content, it also encourages them to learn about themselves. Together, this process strengthens our efforts in helping students become not only well-rounded learners but also well-rounded people.

We are very pleased to announce the Honor Roll for the first quarter of school year '20-'21

Congratulations to each student named, for outstanding academic performance this past quarter.

To view recipients, please click on the link to the right


You can find the current Cluster Notes by clicking the image of the folder!

December Bioeducational Theme of the Month: Relationships

A relationship is defined as the way in which two or more people are connected, but at Lighthouse, the definition and importance of relationships extends well beyond basic connection. We strive to build quality, trusting relationships based on mutual investment and love, showing our students and families that we care for them on a deeper level. Without this foundation of trust and understanding, we would not be able to do the important daily work of helping our students learn more about themselves and others as they work toward their clinical and academic goals. We also hope that by forming these close relationships with students, we can help them gain insight into other relationships that they have, or previously had, with important people in their lives.

Throughout the month of December, we will be engaging our students in activities and discussions focused on what makes a healthy relationship as well as exploring what they value in a relationship and how they can be a good friend/family member/student, etc. to the people in their lives. We know that often when a student starts at Lighthouse, they do not trust easily and may be fearful of investing in a relationship. However, our goal is to help redefine what a relationship can be for our students and families and we strongly value the partnerships we have formed throughout the years. At a time of decreased physical connection, we rely on these relationships to continue providing the context for our students and families to heal. If you are looking for ways to talk about Relationships with your child or to hear more about that ways in which we are focusing on Relationships as our theme of the month, please reach out to one of our team members for more information.

Thanksgiving 2020

Below: Lighthouse staff prepare to make dinner deliveries to our families

It is hard to believe that the holiday season is upon us. At Lighthouse School we strive to continue to preserve and maintain as many of the traditions as possible that take place throughout the year. One of those traditions, our Thanksgiving dinner celebration, was still able to go on. Although the process was a bit different this year we were still able to provide to our families a complete Thanksgiving Dinner. Our staff generously volunteered to deliver dinners to all our families who wanted one on the day before Thanksgiving. What a tremendous experience it was!! To see staff work together in support of our families shows the value we place upon our relationships with all of you. At Lighthouse, we work each and every day to foster those relationships. We know how important family and connection to others is, especially at this time of year. This experience was one way we could let our families know that we are here for them. Indeed, working together, albeit in ways different than what we are used to, will continue as we support all of those entrusted to our care.

Our Families Give Thanks

I just want to thank you and everyone from Lighthouse for bringing the "thankful" into thanksgiving this year . It has been a very long year and I'm very appreciative for this gift you have given me and my family. I feel like I've won the lottery.

Forever grateful,
-- Karen And Harley

A BIG thank you to the teachers and all the staff at Lighthouse School! I am thankful I found Lighthouse School 12 years ago! Brendan was so excited today to receive his turkey meal. It was so thoughtful of the school to make this all happen. The letter enclosed was very touching explaining the tradition that Lighthouse School holds for this holiday. I appreciate all the planning that went into the meals being delivered and all the preparation for remote learning. I am hoping that the hybrid model works out for Brendan. He is a little nervous about it but I think he will benefit from being at school and seeing some staff. So much appreciation from [our] family!

Wishing you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving,
-- Lori G.

Lighthouse School has been such a blessing for our family. We receive such wonderful support. I have four children home doing remote learning and three of them are special needs. I didn’t know how I could pull off cooking a thanksgiving meal while supporting their schooling.

Thank you so much for all you do for our family.
-- Katy R.

To our LEA's

Thank you for your continued partnership as we work to support our students and their families. We are here for you. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Dorothy Pepin

Director of Program Administration

Jennifer Kamin

Associate Director of Program Administration

Amy Bassett

Supervisor for Team Meetings

Sandra Muldowney

Supervisor for Enrollment Services

To our Families

Our therapists are available to offer clinical support to families and students 24 hours a day.

If you are in need of assistance, please call our support line, starting with Line 1.

Line #1: (978) 821-1351

If you are not able to connect with a therapist or do not get a response within 10 minutes, please try Line 2.

Line #2: (978) 821-0316


Click the icon for up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 from the Mass General Hospital website