Lighthouse School, Inc.

April 2, 2021

"Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values."

--Dalai Lama (highest spiritual leader of Tibet)

"Values are like fingerprints. Nobody's are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do."

--Elvis Presley (American singer, musician and actor)

News & Announcements


  • As a reminder there will be no School on Friday April 2, 2021 in observance of Good Friday.

  • April's Bioeducational Theme of the Month is Values

  • Lighthouse School Spring Reopening Plan: Students return 5 days a week in grades K-6 on 4/5/21, students in grades 7-9 on 4/28/21. High school students in grades 10-12+, the date is pending.

  • MCAS testing for grades 3 through 8 has been postponed. More details to follow.

  • If you haven't submitted a response yet regarding "Reflecting on a Year", please see link below to submit

  • The March Monthly Newsletters are available in Google Classroom as well as on the Lighthouse School website

  • April vacation begins Monday, April 19th through Friday, April 23rd

Administrators' Corner

By Dr. Scott Bartis, Chief Operations Officer

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."

― Anne Bradstreet.

We have all experienced a very long and very harsh winter. A winter that has lasted for over one year. We have indeed tasted adversity. And yet, as ever, winter is not permanent. We see new buds and hear more birds. It is spring. Today, let us welcome brighter days and brighter hopes.

Today, your children, our students, are beginning to return. To school. Where they belong. This will take time and will be different for each of you. As always, we respect the decisions each family makes in terms of how to navigate this transition. Sooner or later, however, we will all confront some old, nearly forgotten, challenges:

  • the mad rush to get up, get dressed, have breakfast, and get out the door before the bus leaves

  • the challenge to find a tie that matches your shirt (I could say more, but……….)

  • the energy required for a full five days of school

  • the challenges of rules, expectations, limits on top of these issues must be added to the newer challenges that come from the need to remain vigilant to safety and well-being by:

          • consistently and cooperatively wearing a mask

          • maintaining adequate social distancing

          • practicing sound decision making in terms of social contact, experience, and exposure

          • communicating closely about illness and symptoms

We will all be confronted with these challenges and more. But we have learned over the long winter that together we can overcome them and continue to advance our individual and collective well-being.

When we consider the year-long winter of the pandemic, I would suggest that the adversity we have all tasted is the adversity of social deprivation. Today, with spring upon us, we see the hope of perhaps the best, most important, most meaningful, form of prosperity. Not the prosperity of wealth or material objects, but rather the prosperity of interpersonal experience. The gradual return to onsite learning brings with it the riches of shared experience. Our students, your children are an irreplaceable wealth. We, the Lighthouse team, are richer for our experiences with them and with all of you.

Thank you all for weathering the winter. Let us now remain safe while experiencing the pleasant, interpersonal, prosperity of this spring.

Bioeducational Theme of the Month: Values


You can find the March Cluster Notes by clicking the image of the folder!

Bioeducational Theme of the Month: Values

April's Bioeducational theme of the month is Values. Each individual has a set of values that make up their moral compass and define for them what is important and appropriate. Values shape our thoughts and beliefs and ideally, someone's values will align with those of the culture or society in which they live. If this alignment does not occur, there can be a high level of conflict in one's life, and part of the work we do with our students is to help them better understand what their own values are, how they may have formed, and how they are functional or dysfunctional in terms of the broader society in which they live. Our school environment is a microcosm of the larger society, so there are ample opportunities to explore how our students' values play out in their communities outside of school as well.

When students understand their values, they are positioned to be driven, focused and able to live authentic, happy lives. Knowing what is important to them will help them find success in their personal and professional lives. Some examples of our values at Lighthouse include self-responsibility, trust and respect for others. We discuss these with our students, but whether the conversation about values happens in Individual Therapy, on an academic lesson, or simply during lunchtime, our goal is not to push a particular set of values onto our students or make them all value the same thing. Rather, our goal is for them to be able to identify their own values and examine how they influence how they interact with the world.

Spotlight on:

Spring is Here

Yes, Spring is here, in all its "newness" and "rebirth." Spring is often viewed as a time of getting out and fresh starts, and this year is certainly no different in many ways. One significant difference we deal with this Spring, that separates it from others, is the return to full-time on-site classes. What is typically a fall ritual that comes with the changing of the leaves, this year, comes up along with the daffodils. What is most significant though, is the fact that it has been over a full year since our Lighthouse Family has shared time together in our building. We have never before faced a challenge like this.

Now it is Spring -- no better time for a fresh start: a time to start new relationships and rekindle old ones; to bring new energy to every challenge because we are together again. We have all been through a learning experience like no other in our lifetime, and we are coming out of it together. The building is bright and shiny, like the spring sunshine. The air is clear and clean, as after a spring rain.

Much has gone into planning for this unique time, and many lessons learned from the past year will allow us to come together in the safest, healthiest way possible. Some things will be familiar, but many will be different. We have learned the value of fresh air, being outside and vitamin D. A typical day will now allow for students to get outside more often (daily, with weather permitting) and getting more social opportunities (within social distancing guidelines) than they have had in a long time -- and well deserved! These opportunities will, as they always are at Lighthouse, be structured to provide social-emotional learning as well as continuing with a big focus on the health and wellness of our "Family."

Activities will include discussions about such things as lifestyle choices, healthy habits, muscle groups and cardio-vascular health -- "gym with a purpose" if you will. A variety of our staff will be joining our students in "getting outside, getting healthy and having fun"... together again!

So it's time to play! Welcome Spring!

Want more? Click here to see photos on great ideas for how to get out and have fun, and tell us how you have been doing, getting outside!

Reflecting on a Year

Thanks to all who have responded to our survey! It's been a year since we first announced a pivot to remote services. During that time, all of our lives have been significantly impacted. Please take a moment to share what your experience has been like over this past year, what stands out for you the most, and your hopes for 2021.

What Our Readers Are Saying:

"This past year has been challenging for all. We appreciate the staff at Lighthouse School so very much and the continued care and concern you have all shown. We appreciate that you and your families have been affected by this unprecedented year and our concerns for your families has been genuine.

Thank you for all you do on a daily basis for my child and every child. I cannot say this enough! "

"This year has been more challenging than I could have ever imagined. Lighthouse has supported my family with gentle hands and kind hearts. I could not be more grateful to each member of the Lighthouse team.

With gratitude and love"

"It has been a tough year. We did not know how to handle electronics at the beginning of all of this and then they just used them more and more. Now we are one year in and my kids have been on electronics so much and have done very little school work. My hopes for 2021 are that my kids get back into a classroom and that we limit electronics at our house more."

If you have thoughts you'd like to share, please click below:

Recent Communications

This section of the Lighthouse School Update is designed to provide important communication topics that have been emailed or mailed to parents and guardians. If you have not received these documents, please reach out to your Family Therapist to make sure we have your updated information. Please click on the document you wish to view.

To our LEA's

Thank you for your continued partnership as we work to support our students and their families. We are here for you.

If you need anything, please contact us:

Dorothy Pepin

Director of Program Administration

Jennifer Kamin

Associate Director of Program Administration

Amy Bassett

Supervisor for Team Meetings

Sandra Muldowney

Supervisor for Enrollment Services

To our Families

Our therapists are available to offer clinical support to families and students 24 hours a day.

If you are in need of assistance, please call our support line, starting with Line 1.

Line #1: (978) 821-1351

If you are not able to connect with a therapist or do not get a response within 10 minutes, please try Line 2.

Line #2: (978) 821-0316


Click the icon for up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 from the Mass General Hospital website