Lighthouse School, Inc.

January 29, 2021

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."

--Christopher Reeve (American actor, director and activist)

"Disability need not be an obstacle to success."

--Stephen Hawking (English theoretical physicist and author)

"Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!"

--Dr. Seuss (American children's author, poet, illustrator and filmmaker)

News & Announcements


  • February's Bioeducational Theme of the Month is Disability Awareness

  • January's Monthly Newsletters are available in Google Classroom as well as on the Lighthouse School website

  • Grades closed on Friday, January 22, 2021

  • Progress Reports and Report Cards will be mailed out in the coming week

  • Coming up: February vacation week begins Monday, February 15th through Friday, February 19th

Kerry McNeal, Coordinator for Treatment Services

As a Lighthouse Family we head into 2021 with hope on the horizon. A sense of renewal and resiliency is being shared by families, students and the Lighthouse staff. Together we have weathered some very turbulent storms, and although we are not sailing on steady seas quite yet, we are hopeful that those days are just ahead.

We hope that our commitment to family partnerships has provided some sense of stability to our families who have worked so hard to keep their children safe and engaged during these challenging days of remote and hybrid learning.

The relationships with our families remain a critical part of our students’ success and are a cherished component of our treatment philosophy. A heartfelt thank you to all of our committed families who have shown bravery, strength and persistence through these last several months.

I would like to highlight our Family Services Division, who continue to work on supporting students and families both online and in the home. The creativity this team has shown in providing services and opportunities for connections between school and home is truly remarkable. Virtual family visits have been held in a variety of settings to best suit the needs and schedules of our busy families. They have joined hospital meetings, connected families with community supports, provided guidance in securing basic necessities, helped with technology troubles, welcomed new families to the team and provided a space for caregivers to be heard and supported.

“Whatever it takes, whatever they need” seems to be their motto, as their commitment to all of you remains strong.

On behalf of our entire Lighthouse team we would like to say that we are grateful to have such amazing families to partner with as we share the common goal of optimal life success for the students.


You can find the January Cluster Notes by clicking the image of the folder!

Student Engagement

Our focus remains on achieving a maximum level of engagement and participation from all of our students, so they can access the multitude of learning opportunities available to them. Please click on the video to learn more about ways we are working to engage our students with unique and creative remote and hybrid programming.

Bioeducational Theme of the Month:

Disability Awareness

February's Bioeducational theme is Disability Awareness. Throughout the month, staff will engage students in conversations and activities designed to help them increase their self-awareness and self-other understanding by normalizing having a disability and having open and honest conversations about this part of human experience. Our students will explore what a disability is and the variety of disabilities that exist, with the goal of gaining an increased understanding of their own disabilities and how they affect their lives. Having a disability is a trait shared by the students who attend Lighthouse School and it is important that we normalize that and reduce the stigma that can be associated with having a disability. By helping our students become more aware of their disabilities, including how they can not only limit their lives, but in some ways enhance them, they can also learn that their disability doesn't have to define them.

Like any other trait that makes them unique, a disability is an important part of who our students are as individuals. By treating a disability as a trait to be understood and managed as opposed to an impairment that controls one's life, we can help our students find ways to compensate and maximize their potential. In addition, they can increase their tolerance and understanding of others' disabilities and celebrate our differences, rather than fear, judge or deny them. If you are looking for ways to talk about disability awareness, particularly with younger children, please click the video link below for a video of a book celebrating differences, read by the author, with additional commentary. Older children may enjoy movies with the theme of Disability Awareness along with overcoming limitations, such as Forrest Gump or I Am Sam.

Video Clip of the Book, "It's OK to Be Different", read aloud by author of the book, Todd Parr. Geared towards ages 3-6

Spotlight on Reinforcement: What is "AMPazon"?

We recognize that the work our students do every day to learn more about themselves and others, while fulfilling their academic requirements, is not easy. We utilize positive reinforcement to help encourage students as they take on new challenges, persevere, and strive to be the best they can be. Motivation plays a large role in student engagement and our token economy is an integral part of helping students achieve and sustain the motivation to do the hard work asked of them. Since we've been providing remote services, we’ve adapted our token economy to better fit our students’ needs and to ensure that we do not lose valuable opportunities to support and motivate them. Although currently, students are not earning physical tokens, they are still earning virtual tokens for working on their social, emotional, behavioral, and academic goals.

In order for tokens to be reinforcing, we need to provide our students with motivating options to spend them. As with other aspects of our program, our school store, APEX Motivation Place (also known as AMP) has stepped into 2021 with an online version called “AMPazon”. AMPazon is an online catalog of items with pictures and token costs. Students can shop by visiting AMPazon with a staff member to identify items they may be interested in either purchasing with tokens or earning by saving their tokens. Examples of items offered in AMPazon include clothing, toys, arts & crafts, books and electronics. Once the students purchases the item, it is ordered and delivered to their home. Although this has been a change for students, many have been able to practice patience while waiting for their earned item to arrive.

In addition to items for purchase, students can also sign up for clubs via AMPazon. We create new clubs frequently to match the interests of our students and some examples of clubs that have been offered this year include: Lego Club, Pokemon Club, Anime Club, Story Time. In addition, students have the option to use tokens to pay for a special lunch, which allows them to spend their lunchtime with a group of staff and students. Students can participate in the continued development of AMPazon by submitting suggestions for items, activities, and clubs they may be of interest to them. We are excited by this adaptation to our reinforcement options and it has been a successful way to motivate our students and increase their engagement in their learning and treatment at Lighthouse!

We are Still Here!

To our LEA’s: We truly appreciate the partnership we have with all of the LEA’s who have the trust and faith in our programming that allow us at Lighthouse to provide for the students in need from each district. As we come closer to marking a year of adjustments and challenges we wanted you to know that we are here for you to help in any way we can. As we approach the halfway mark of this unusual school year and begin planning for next school year we want you to know that we are accepting new students. Please click on the video to learn a little more about how “We are Still Here”.

Recent Communications

This section of the Lighthouse School Update is designed to provide important communication topics that have been emailed or mailed to parents and guardians. If you have not received these documents, please reach out to your Family Therapist to make sure we have your updated information.

Please click on the letter you wish to view.

Results of New Year's Thoughts & Resolutions Survey

Thank you to everyone who participated in our New Year's Resolution Survey and shared your resolutions with us. Your input is always valued and it was inspiring to read about the goals that our families and students are setting for themselves as we transition from 2020 to 2021. We wanted to share a small sample of the responses we received:

My resolution is: "for my son to graduate. We could not do this without the support of Lighthouse. We are so grateful. We love you."

Our resolution is: "to have JOY and show gratitude at every opportunity. Thank you, Lighthouse Community. We love you".

We wish you all a happy, healthy 2021!

To our LEA's

Thank you for your continued partnership as we work to support our students and their families. We are here for you. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Dorothy Pepin

Director of Program Administration

Jennifer Kamin

Associate Director of Program Administration

Amy Bassett

Supervisor for Team Meetings

Sandra Muldowney

Supervisor for Enrollment Services

To our Families

Our therapists are available to offer clinical support to families and students 24 hours a day.

If you are in need of assistance, please call our support line, starting with Line 1.

Line #1: (978) 821-1351

If you are not able to connect with a therapist or do not get a response within 10 minutes, please try Line 2.

Line #2: (978) 821-0316


Click the icon for up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 from the Mass General Hospital website