Lighthouse School, Inc.

March 19, 2021

"Follow your dreams, work hard, practice and persevere."

--Sasha Cohen (US American figure skater)

"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

--Benjamin Franklin (American statesman, scientist, author, publisher and diplomat)

"Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being."

--J. Stanford (Christian author)

News & Announcements


  • MCAS testing for grades 3 through 8 has been postponed. More details to follow.

  • Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  • March's Bioeducational Theme of the Month is Perseverance

  • February's Monthly Newsletters are available in Google Classroom as well as on the Lighthouse School website

  • The Family Survey regarding the Spring 2021 Reopening Plan can be accessed below.

Administrators' Corner

By Dr. Scott Bartis, Chief Operations Officer

Picture of Helen Keller

“Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into light.”

Hellen Keller

The words of Hellen Keller shine through the decades and offer all of us an anchoring perspective on our last year together. Today, we take a moment to offer these words in an effort to make sense of this last year and, most especially, to make sense of what we may have learned about ourselves and each other.

Little could we imagine last March that a pandemic would sweep the planet and alter every aspect of life. Perhaps most powerfully, most damagingly, the pandemic induced a level of social deprivation that rightfully can be described as traumatic. We were left often feeling helpless and hopeless. In the very small corner of the world that is Lighthouse, we wondered: “what are we going to do?” “How are we going to be a corporation for kids, a united family weathering a cruel storm that threatens to drown us and all that we hold dear?”

One year on, we say with confidence, pride, relief: “We did it” But how? I would suggest that an answer lies in the words of Helen Keller. Faith. A big job talking about faith! For today, let us consider a simple, yet not simplistic, notion of faith: the belief in something beyond ourselves and beyond the world as it concretely presents itself. At Lighthouse we strive to have faith that every experience offers an opportunity. That faith is hard work and yet from it we draw strength. This faith is, itself, fed by other faiths: that we have the greatest team of people dedicated to helping our students and each other. Faith in our parent partners and our capacity to unite with them on behalf of their children. Faith in our students, your children, and most especially in their willingness to join with us and to be active participants in finding a way forward.

The pandemic, with all of its pain, loss, and trauma offers each of us an opportunity; to discover new strengths, maybe even new vulnerabilities that have gone underappreciated. Likewise, we may gain similar insights about the people we are closest to. These new, deeper understandings can fuel positive growth and expansion. In this way, we may capture the covid opportunity and turn it into an advantage.

Looking to the future there will be much work to be done to recover from our individual and collective trauma. There will be more challenges and more opportunities. For today, however, let us pause and reflect on the enduring faith in each other that is, indeed, a beacon of hope.

Bioeducational Theme of the Month: Perseverance


Motivational Outreach Visits

You can find the February Cluster Notes by clicking the image of the folder!

We are all eager to welcome Spring and all of the renewing aspects the season brings. From improved weather, more daylight to enjoy, the anticipation of safer social interactions, and a healthy community - we look forward to it all!

We are inspired by the ongoing efforts of staff, students, and families to keep school attendance and participation at the forefront for our kids. So many dedicated team members have developed unique and creative lesson plans to engage our students. Our clinicians and family therapists have provided ongoing therapeutic and family support with the goal of identifying reinforcement and motivation plans aimed at the students that are struggling to stay engaged. Many of our students have responded well to the additional layers of support and are thriving despite the challenges of remote and hybrid learning.

We also continue to explore other exciting and innovative ways to encourage the students to attend lessons and participate in treatment and learning. Lighthouse has been providing Motivational Outreach Visits to encourage increased time in learning for the kids having the most difficulty. These Outreach Visits provide the interpersonal connection for the kids who need that level of support to regain traction with online or hybrid learning. The Motivational Outreach Team will be visiting with selected students outside their homes, (with masks and from a safe social distance), on a rotating basis with the goal of mobilizing the power of relationships to help these students become more present in school-based opportunities.

As we enter this new season, we are reminded of the power of persistence and resilience. We have great faith in the power of our Lighthouse family and will continue to make every effort to provide the support and encouragement our students need to thrive. We are grateful for the collaborative efforts of our staff, Lighthouse families, and district partners who have been incredible assets in our common mission of student engagement and participation.

Spotlight on:

Health & Wellness

At Lighthouse School we have a long history of treating the "whole person".

Working with our Districts and Families, we provide quality treatment and education, to ensure that our students are well-rounded and can be the best they can be. As part of our on-going efforts to meet that goal, we consistently look at improving our services to be the best they can be. It is with that in mind, that we would like to spotlight our Health and Wellness curriculum.

This year, through the collaboration and of a wide variety of staff, we have taken “Gym class” and integrated it with a health curriculum, to provide our students with a more holistic experience. We have drawn from our Therapists, Bioeducational Facilitators, Regulation Support Staff and Teachers (yes even the gym teacher!) to create a curriculum geared to treating the “whole” student. While this curriculum still allows your child to be exposed to the more traditional sports experiences like basketball, soccer, football, or Lacrosse, it goes beyond participating in those games.

Your child will learn from the life lessons such sports and games provide: Competition and being a good winner, or how to take lessons from defeat. How to prepare for challenges, self-control, cooperation, and having fun with friends.

Your child will be educated as to the physical dimension and how their body works through lessons on heart rate, heart health, stretching, nutrition, and exercise. They will learn about body muscles and how to avoid injury! And even the importance of hygiene and its impact on health, and goal setting. They will have important monthly topics like “African American Sports Figures” (this past February) and “Women in Sports” (March) to provide examples of good role models from over the years.

But, as we all know, good Health and Wellness is not just about the Physical Dimension. There is so much more…the Emotional, the Spiritual, the Social Aspects. These too, are all part of this well-rounded curriculum, as our therapists help your child through Relaxation Techniques, Conflict Resolution, Drug Education, and more, expanding your child's knowledge base and likely a better understanding of how much control they ultimately have, in their self-care and future.

Reflecting on a Year

It's been a year since we first announced a pivot to remote services. During that time, all of our lives have been significantly impacted. Please take a moment to share what your experience has been like over this past year, what stands out for you the most, and your hopes for 2021.

Follow up from February's Substance Abuse Prevention Week

Our Clinical Services Division facilitated therapeutic groups that focused on drug education and substance abuse during the month of February. Clinicians presented developmentally appropriate lessons for the students in Group Therapy sessions that engaged students around healthy choices, coping strategies, peer pressure, and psychoeducation. Videos, group discussions, activities, and games helped students safely and supportively explore this topic. Additionally, our clinicians followed up with students in Individual Therapy sessions as needed to further process substance use and abuse and its impact on our students’ lives. While this can be a sensitive topic for students, clinicians were impressed by our student’s ability to ask difficult questions, seek clarification, and think deeply about substances and addiction and how these topics can impact their lives.

Recent Communications

This section of the Lighthouse School Update is designed to provide important communication topics that have been emailed or mailed to parents and guardians. If you have not received these documents, please reach out to your Family Therapist to make sure we have your updated information.

Please click on the document you wish to view.

To our LEA's

Thank you for your continued partnership as we work to support our students and their families. We are here for you.

If you need anything, please contact us:

Dorothy Pepin

Director of Program Administration

Jennifer Kamin

Associate Director of Program Administration

Amy Bassett

Supervisor for Team Meetings

Sandra Muldowney

Supervisor for Enrollment Services

To our Families

Our therapists are available to offer clinical support to families and students 24 hours a day.

If you are in need of assistance, please call our support line, starting with Line 1.

Line #1: (978) 821-1351

If you are not able to connect with a therapist or do not get a response within 10 minutes, please try Line 2.

Line #2: (978) 821-0316


Click the icon for up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 from the Mass General Hospital website