
New science facilities: Four Months On

Over the past 4 months The Leigh Academy students have benefitted from three brand new science labs and a brand new prep room, all situated on the Mandela ground floor teaching area. These fully-furnished and well-equipped science labs have been put through their paces, hosting the Year 6 open evenings as well as enabling staff and students to engage with a wide variety of practical opportunities.

Some of these opportunities include:

  • In MD002, Mr Desai’s physics students have investigated Hooke’s law, observed the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiation sources with our radioactivity demonstration and investigated the components of electrical circuits.

  • In MD003, Ms Payne’s chemistry students have completed investigations relating to specific heat capacity and rate of reaction.

  • In MD004, Ms Donati’s biology students have learned how to use microscopes, have engaged with dissections and carried out food tests.

These brand new science labs form the first phase of our science refurbishments with a second phase of work currently in the planning stages at present. We hope to bring you more news relating to these refurbishments, and the continued development of science at The Leigh Academy, in due course.