IB MYP Service in Action

Year 8 Service as Action

As an IB world school, The Leigh Academy is proud of the fantastic work our students carry out as caring members of their local community. Service is an important part of our MYP curriculum framework; it is ingrained within the fabric of our school culture. Our students are given the opportunity to explore the world around them, identify needs that are important to them and to carry out a ‘service as action’ project aimed at positive change. It's no surprise that our Year 8s recognised that food poverty is a growing problem in the Dartford community and sought to address it. The project was based on carrying out a collection drive in order to donate non-perishable items to the Dartford Food Bank.

The Year 8 Student Voice Representatives took the lead on this initiative. They met, discussed their plans and rallied their classmates' involvement. They went above and beyond to get the buy-in of all the students involved and even their teachers. Their form tutors also provided the much needed support to ensure their plans were successfully realised.

To culminate this project, a student-led assembly was convened. Again, our students showcased their ability to plan and execute an auspicious event. Mr. Steve Brindley, one of the trustees from the Dartford Food Bank was invited to participate in this assembly. Two of our brilliant students, Elizabeth and Ledri interviewed him in an attempt to bring awareness to the topic. Other students involved were Evie who informed students about the purpose of the project; Theja introduced the visitor and Farid who gave the vote of thanks.

These wonderful Year 8 students demonstrated what it truly means to demonstrate the value of community participation and how to positively impact the lives around them. This was affirmed by Mr. Brindley when he conveyed his gratitude to the students.

If you are interesting to donate to Dartford Food Bank at 43 Spital Street, DA1 2DX, they can be contacted at 07434 811053 on Tuesdays and Thursdays weekly. They would be happy to receive your expression of kindness.

The Dartford Food bank is also able to help out should you be in need of any support of the festive period.