Student Voice

Democracy @ The Leigh

Student Voice Reps

We have relaunched our Student Voice scheme this year. Students in all year groups have been asked to nominate themselves or a peer as Student Voice Representatives for their tutor group. Students have then held hustings and voted by secret ballot. Each form group now has a Student Voice Rep. These reps meet regularly within their college teams and are already coming forward with fundraising ideas as well as developing environment friendly projects (more to follow soon).

Dartford Youth Council Elections

This year we ensured that more of our young people had the chance to vote for their Dartford Youth Council Elections, by having a voting station with a secret ballot box available at reception. Students were encouraged to read about the local nominees, their manifestos and ideas to improve the local area.

Member of Parliament Gareth Johnson visits The Leigh Academy

We were pleased to host our Dartford Member of Parliament on Friday 18th November 2022. Gareth joined with our IB Global Politics students and a selection of our student voice representatives who were keen to ask him a range of questions from climate change to cost of living crisis and education fundings for the future. Our Leigh students really enjoyed the session; I hope Gareth didn’t mind the grilling!

Attenborough College Student Voice Reps

Seacole College Student Voice Representatives

Shakespeare College Student Voice Representatives

Mandela College Student Voice Representatives

Curie College Student Voice Representatives