Christmas Card Competition

Every year we hold a Christmas card competition. This year we were delighted to receive so many entries, which made it a tough decision to judge the winning design. This year we had two runners up Brooke and Annabelle whose designs were beautiful and as such they both received Reward points and an Amazon voucher. The winning card design was from Maja - who received reward points, an Amazon voucher and also had her design made into cards by professional printer. Congratulations to Maja, Annabelle and Brooke, as well as to Seacole 6 and Shakespeare 6 tutor groups who both contributed a large number of entries and as such won boxes of chocolates to share.

Maja with her winning design and members of her tutor group who also entered the competition

Annabelle with her submission for the competition which earned her second place

A close up of some of the designs that were created by students

A plethora of Christmas card designs.