

This year we have been able to host many of the events at The Leigh Academy that we have had to miss or do virtually in recent years. Students have participated in a Remembrance Service on Friday 11th November 2022. This annual event sees every staff member and student stand for a service, in which we reflect on those who have given their lives and sacrificed much for the freedoms and privileges we currently enjoy in the UK today. We listened to music by Nimrod by Edward Elgar, heard readings about servicemen and women across the world who fought for democracy and freedom, we read the poem Flanders fields by John McCrae.

Students from The Leigh Academy, our Milestone @ The Leigh satellite and our local Dartford Primary Academy laid wreaths and planted ceramic poppies, previously part of an art installation at The Tower of London in 2014 to mark the centenary of World War 1. We then held a 2 minutes silence and the playing of The Last Post. Every single member of our Leigh community showed respect and maturity in marking this occasion showing recognition of those who have given their service to us. We were privileged to have veterans join our service and read The Exhortation. These were Harry Chapman, who was conscripted in World War Two and is now chairman of the Local Royal British Legion, Chris Ridgewell, Branch community Support Lead, who served in the Falklands and Karl Smith, a veteran who served in the British Army with the Royal Corps of Signals in the 1990s and is a parent of daughters in Years 8 and 12 at The Leigh Academy. Our guests then joined with some students to enjoy refreshments and answer questions and kindly shared tales of their experiences.

Thank you to our guests from The Royal British Legion, to all of our community who participated in this touching and poignant event and to all who made a donation to The Poppy Appeal.