
Sparx Homework

At the Mathematics Learning Area at the Leigh Academy we use SPARX for homework. It is set up every week by the teachers and your child should have Maths homework each week to do.

1 hour of Maths homework means our students complete an additional 39 hours per year – the equivalent of nearly 10 weeks teaching! Over 5 years, this equates to an extra year of learning.

Students who do Sparx regularly know more and do more maths and they get much better results in their Maths GCSE.

How do students log in:

  • You need to go to this link to log in

  • You need to use your google classroom login details (username and password)

  • You must complete 100% correct for it to count

  • If you need help and support (Tue after school in MD2.02 - Years 7 - 10)

  • Year 11s - use your tutor time once a week to complete your Sparx homework or get help and support from any Maths teacher (you are welcome to MD1.07 during tutor time for Sparx homework support)