Winter Newsletter 2022

Letter from the Principal

Dear Parent/Carer,

I am delighted to write the introduction to our Christmas newsletter edition, a bumper issue which showcases all that we have been able to achieve and the opportunities and experiences available to our community.

Since our last newsletter in July 2022, we have had our summer results day which saw the highest ever results for both our Year 11 and Year 13 students, despite years of disruption through the pandemic our students were determined to excel and they certainly did!

Once again, congratulations to all of our students, our staff who supported and led them, as well as parents working in partnership with the academy to ensure success. We are also extremely proud to report that 80% of our Year 13 students started at university this September. The highest number ever, with the remaining students starting apprenticeships, employment or a gap year.

In September, we returned to 5 new college figureheads, those chosen by our students and staff and students have enjoyed learning more about their new college figurehead, why they are inspiring role models and their qualities that students now aspire to enact on a daily basis.

Each college has a day on the calendar to celebrate their figurehead and engage in activities, Seacole and Curie colleges have recently spent their days with a range of activities - see further detail on their college pages.

We have also been delighted to be able to welcome visitors back to The Leigh Academy, we have had veterans from the Royal British Legion joining for our Remembrance Service, Priests from the Sikh temple to celebrate Diwali, The Gideons to speak to Year 7s, Fire Safety presenters, Careers speakers, visitors from local universities and many more. I am also pleased that we have been able to conduct our first overseas residential trip in several years, with Year 9 students the first to be able to enjoy this experience at the Lille Christmas Market.

I hope that you enjoy reading all about the adventures and experiences in this edition of our newsletter, that are just some of the opportunities that we offer to our Leigh community.

I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and looking forward to a 2023

Kind regards

Mrs Julia Collins


Letter from the Deputy Principal

Dear Parent/Carer,

Firstly, I would like to thank all parents for the support you have given the academy this module. It has been encouraging to see our Year 7 cohort now fully settled into the academy, starting their MYP journey by embracing the MYP attributes . Year 11 students completed their mock exams this term and we hope that this will act as a springboard for success for the coming modules, to achieve their potential.

I am delighted that students have continued to benefit from extra- curricular activities in this module which have included a Year 9 trip to France and a Year 8 and 9 inter college football tournament. These opportunities are crucial to the personal development of the students to experience other cultures and build teamwork skills.

Next module we look forward to celebrating the mock exams results with Year 11 and Year 13 as well the Leigh Fest which is a great opportunity for students to showcase their talents. This is also an important module for Year 9 students who will start considering their option choices.

I extend a huge thanks to all of the families who support and encourage our students and would like to take this opportunity to wish you and all of your families an enjoyable and restful holiday and prosperous new year.

Mr D Freeman

Deputy Principal