Year 7 Fire Assembly

On the first of December, our bright-eyed year 7s shuffled into the Lecture Theatre for a Fire Assembly. Firefighter Kerrie Moncrief, talked through some major safety precautions and preventatives.

At an age where students start to venture out into the world and spread their wings, being armed with knowledge on how to keep safe is vital - especially since 8 people die from arson each week.

The assembly stirred up some interesting conversation and saw that different thoughts and speculations got flung excitedly around the lecture theatre. The fact that 13 was the average age for convicted arsonists garnered a wide eyed, open mouthed response from our Year 7s. In the discussion, it arose that it is likely that devastation, environmental damage and bodily harm is not always the motivation behind fire crises; but rather it often starts out as seemingly innocent. In this case, our expert gave some vital advice on how to avoid and/or diffuse situations where students might feel pressured to engage in something unsafe, especially considering the statistics.

All in all, our students left brandishing some new knowledge on how to stay safe and protect themselves, and others, from potential harm.