Odd Sock Day

Anti-Bullying Week 2022 was coordinated in England by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. It took place from 14th to 18th November and had the theme Reach Out. At The Leigh Academy, the week began with assemblies to all students reminding everyone that there is no place for bullying in our community. We have an anti-bullying policy that has been designed to encourage all students to be kind and supportive within its multicultural, diverse and inclusive environment. We had tutor time activities regarding our commitment to stopping bullying and unkind behaviour. We launched our new dedicated anti-bullying email address stop@leighacademy.org.uk where students can send any concerns which will then be followed up directly by our college pastoral teams. Students and staff were asked to participate in Odd Socks Day on Friday 18th November, wearing odd socks to celebrate what makes us unique and to show support for the anti-bullying message.

Who do these feet belong to??