Title I

ADA Compliant 12/14/2018

Utah Title I Schoolwide Plan

Part A: General Information

School Name: Red Cliffs Elementary LEA Name: Juab School District

Title I Schoolwide Planning Team Name Signature Principal: Darren Mecham

Title I facilitator or coordinator: Sandra Nielsen ________________________________________________

Faculty member: Diane Blackham ___________________________________________________________

Faculty member: Tarah Taylor ______________________________________________________________

Faculty member: Crissa Peterson _____________________________________________________________

Faculty member: Jamie Coombs ____________________________________________________________

Parent representative: Rachel Pederson ______________________________________________________

Parent representative: Lisa Heap ________________________________________________________

Parent representative: Stacey McPherson ____________________________________________________

Community/business representative: Rachel Nielson (SCC) ______________________________________

Schoolwide Title I plans must be developed with the meaningful involvement and input of parents, other members of the community to be served, and teachers and staff who will carry out the plan.

LEA Title I Director Signature _________________ Date _______________ Principal___________________________ Signature _________________ Date _______________

Template Updated 9-8-201 by USBE Title I

Comprehensive Needs Assessment

ESSA Sec. 1114(b)(6)

Schoolwide project schools must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school, based on the information about the performance of students in relation to the State’s academic standards (Utah State Core Standards). Quality needs assessments include multiple sources of data. Some to consider are:

Student achievement trends

RCES Dibels Data (Multiple) 2019-2021

RCES iReady Math Data

RCES iReady Reading Data

RCES Lexia Data

RCES Waterford Data

Graduation rates (high schools)


Demographic data

Total Enrollment: 583

Enrollment Summary:

  • Asian: 4

  • African American: 0

  • Caucasian: 530

  • Hispanic: 41

  • American Indian or Alaskan Native: 4

  • Pacific Islander: 4

% Free and Reduced Lunch: 38%

School climate

At Red Cliffs Elementary we work hard to help our students be their best. We have implemented the Second Steps SEL Curriculum this year to help students develop the social and emotional skills that will help them throughout their lives. Lessons are taught weekly by our School Counselor and our Skills Coach. We have quarterly “Eagles Nest” assemblies/celebrations to recognize the positive impact that students have on our school climate.

At Red Cliffs Elementary our Skills Coach also serves as our “Refocus Room” teacher. In our skills classes students are taught and able to practice life skills that are applicable to their needs. Our Refocus Room is a support for students and classroom teachers, providing a safe place for students to go to talk through problems with our Skills Coach. It is also a place where teachers can send students who might need a break or a chance to “refocus” for a few minutes before returning to the classroom.

We care deeply about physical safety and have an emergency plan in place to protect students and staff in any given situation. Students and staff train monthly on fire drills, earthquakes, critical incidents, lockdowns, and lockouts. We are a “lockdown school” which means all doors are locked throughout the day. We take the safety and security of our students and staff very seriously. We want students at Red Cliffs Elementary to feel safe and confident, so they can focus on learning.

Course-taking patterns (secondary)


Teacher qualifications

See Page 13

Instructional practices

Our school instructional practices are evidence-based and aligned to the state and district PCBL framework. We apply high-leverage instructional practices throughout all tiers of literacy and numeracy instruction to facilitate engagement and increase student achievement.

Literacy instruction is aligned to state and district literacy frameworks, and utilizes the Expeditionary Learning (EL) Curriculum in Tier I. Additionally, RCE teachers use the 95% Group literacy curriculum and assessments during Tier II instruction to provide targeted intervention supports for struggling readers. Intervention instruction is designed to facilitate the acquisition and mastery of the essential early literacy skills that serve as the foundation for proficient reading.

At RCE we adopted the Curriculum Associates Ready Math curriculum during the 2020-2021 school year. Simultaneously we partnered with Brigham Young University to receive training on the Comprehensive Mathematics Instructional model and framework. Our school and district teams are midway through a two-year training/learning cycle on the (CMI) model which will guide and support teachers in facilitating high-quality, robust mathematics instruction for each student.

Additionally, we train and utilize our classified staff to provide classroom support during literacy and math instruction and interventions.

College entrance testing


Other data determined by the school

To meet the goals of Title 1 Federal Education Program RCES has implemented a school-wide plan, that has the following components:

Scientific, research based tiered instruction - Teaching and learning based on the approved state


Curriculum planning at Red Cliffs Elementary School aligns with the mission of the Utah State Board of

Education Personalized, Competency-Based Learning framework which states, In a personalized, competency-based learning system, the following principles influence the daily actions of the educational community:

  • Students are empowered daily to make important decisions about their learning experiences, how they will create and apply knowledge, and how they will demonstrate their learning.

  • Assessment is a meaningful, positive, and empowering learning experience for students that yields timely, relevant, and actionable evidence.

  • Students receive timely, differentiated support based on their individual learning needs.

  • Students progress based on evidence of mastery, not seat time.

  • Students learn actively using different path­ways and varied pacing.

  • Strategies to ensure equity for all students are embedded in the culture, structure, and pedagogy of schools and education sys­tems.

  • Rigorous, common expectations for learn­ing (knowledge, skills, and dispositions) are explicit, transparent, measurable, and transferable.

Juab School District provides educators with regular opportunities to collaborate as grade level teams.

State Language arts and mathematics CORE Standards have been blocked district-wide by grade level teams

to ensure a guaranteed, viable curriculum for all students. In addition, educators at Red Cliffs Elementary

have developed Literacy and Mathematics Power Standards, Learning Targets, and Indicators which

inform Tier I instruction and help determine students in need of Tier 2 and 3 intervention instruction.

(See attached JSD Power Standards, Learning Targets, and Indicators example, RCE Master Schedule.)

At Red Cliffs Elementary School, a defined block of time is designated for daily literacy instruction. Language arts curriculum at Red Cliffs Elementary School is based in the Science of Reading. We focus on: phonemic awareness, phonics/spelling, fluency, comprehension, word work/vocabulary and writing. The comprehension component includes strategy, genre, and text structure instruction.

Red Cliffs Elementary School also sets a block of time aside each day for mathematics instruction in every classroom. Teachers at RCE utilize the CMI model when planning for math instruction and learning. Teachers and students explore mathematical concepts at a level which emphasizes teacher questioning strategies, student cooperative learning with peers, and opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in multiple ways.

Arts and music education are an important part of the instructional week for every RCE student. Juab School District partners with the Beverly Taylor Sorensen Learning Arts Program (BTSALP) to provide visual arts instruction. Our three district elementary schools share one visual arts instructor. In a non-Covid year, each student attends one 45-minute art class per week. Due to Covid we have had to adjust our schedule this year to achieve sanitizing and social distancing guidelines. During the 2020-2021 school year, each student has attended a 45-minute art class every other week. We plan to return to our normal schedule during the 2021-2022 school year. Grade level teachers collaborate with the district art specialist to integrate arts throughout grade level core standards. Also, through our School Land Trust program, we employ a part-time music specialist. Similar to art instruction, each student currently attends one 45-minute music class every other week, due to Covid restrictions. Again, it is our hope that we will be able to have students attend a 45-minute music class each week during the 2021-2022 school year. As a Title I School, we recognize that many of our students may not have regular opportunities for exposure to the arts outside of the experiences they will have at school. As an instructional team we believe that it is critical for our students, especially our struggling learners, to participate in arts instruction in order to expand their horizons, unlock and develop hidden talents, and provide avenues for increasing their confidence and self-esteem.

Use of research-based instructional strategies:

The instructional methods utilized by teachers at Red Cliffs Elementary are carefully chosen and determined by student need. Teachers plan the instructional delivery for each student and lesson to include scaffolding and differentiation to meet the needs of all learner levels and modes of learning, whether the learner is at-risk or advanced. After Tier 1 Instruction, students are given a “voice and a choice” in their learning. Students have multiple opportunities and options to demonstrate their learning.

An observer on any one day at Red Cliffs Elementary School would see students and teachers engaged in direct instruction, cooperative learning, modeling, flexible student groupings, conferencing, problem solving, utilizing graphic organizers, and peer learning and tutoring.

As a result of our district 1:1 initiative, technology is prevalent and widely utilized at Red Cliffs Elementary School as a tool to support our instructional goals. Each student has his/her own iPad which allows teachers to utilize hardware and software to meet the unique needs of individual students. We utilize district-level software platforms (Waterford, Lexia, Reading Horizons, iReady Reading and Math) that support personalization of student learning. Depending on the grade level, students are able to collaborate with their peers, create and present projects, share their work, and receive timely feedback when using their iPads. The wide variety of technology tools available in our district helps teachers provide instant or timely feedback to students, and also supplies teachers with the formative data they need to inform and drive instructional decisions.

Use of data:

Analysis of data is key to an effective model of instruction. RCE teachers meet in PLC groups weekly to review

student achievement data, reflect on instructional practices, make decisions about student groupings, and

determine intervention and enrichment instruction needs. Analysis of students’ data is key to an effective model of instruction. All assessments will be instructionally relevant, reliable, and valid. In our PLC meetings, teachers ensure effective instruction (Tier 1), intervention and enrichment (Tier II) and special services (Tier III) are implemented consistently.

Intervention/Enrichment and Special Services (Response to Intervention)

A master schedule has been created that allows each student to access Tier I and Tier II instruction daily, as

well as Tier III when appropriate. Uninterrupted intervention and enrichment blocks of time are

scheduled for each grade level.

Professional Development - Implementation of sustained research-based professional development:

Professional development plans are established in the yearly RCES School Improvement Plan. Faculty and

staff at Red Cliffs Elementary School are dedicated professionals who strive continually to better their

individual skills. Professional development at RCES is guided by data study, student need, and individual

interest. Our faculty is always eager to continue to improve individual instructional pedagogy and skills. Each

teacher is involved in multiple training seminars and professional development courses throughout the

school year, and often in the summer months as well. Rigorous research-based literacy, mathematics,

science, and technology professional development are the focus for RCES faculty for continued growth and


We are fortunate in Juab School District to have a supportive district office and school board who believe in

the importance of continued professional development for all staff. All teachers at Red Cliffs Elementary

School have the opportunity to participate in district professional development courses. These courses

begin with the New Teacher Academy and Utah Effective Teacher Standards for all teachers new to

the district. Also open to teachers are multiple opportunities which include: Mobile Learning, Leadership

Team, Micro-credentials, Topics in Education - Independent Study and Aligning Grading Practices with

Learning. We also have an instructional coach available in each school to support teachers in using the

impact cycle model.

An additional support from the district level is our District PLC. A few days each year have been set

aside for teachers in our district to meet in grade level teams. The focus of these professional development

days is for continued work and development of grade-level learning targets, Juab School District’s Portrait

of a Graduate, curriculum maps, interpreting assessment results, planning effective instructional methods for

differentiation, intervention and enrichment discussion and facilitating online learning through Canvas.

To keep abreast of the latest educational research and application to schools and the classroom, school

principals and groups of teachers from each school in Juab School District attend various national

conferences yearly focusing on technology, PLCs, curriculum, assessment, and personalized learning.

Several teachers at Red Cliffs Elementary School are also pursuing educational endorsements. These teachers

are engaged in further study and application to the classroom, which is another example of the

professionalism displayed by the RCES staff and faculty to enhance their highly qualified status thus helping

to accomplish our goal of creating a successful learning experience for all students.

Opportunities provided for all students to achieve:

At Red Cliffs Elementary School we have created a master schedule for learning. This schedule outlines Tier 1 blocked instructional time for language arts, mathematics, and specials (science application/social studies). It

also blocks a specified time for intervention/enrichment and computer lab tier 1 instruction support. This allows teachers to ensure that no student misses grade-level tier 1 instruction. Tier 2, Tier 3, intervention, enrichment, and special services are planned during the intervention and supporting computer lab blocks.

Tier 1 instruction is supported by school-wide Title I services at Red Cliffs Elementary School. Title I services include, but are not limited to, individual tutoring, and in-class support for students. For literacy instruction, Instructional Assistants at RCES have been trained in 95% Group Literacy Intervention. We also have Instructional Assistants who have been trained through the University of Utah Reading Clinic as Early Steps, Next Steps, and Higher Steps tutors. These Instructional Assistants provide individual tutoring for students who can benefit from this specific reading intervention. Other programs utilized are Acadience Reading and BURST reading intervention.

As teachers identify specific student needs, instructional assistants are assigned as tutors. Tutoring schedules are created for individual students and small needs groups during intervention blocks. New and beginning skills growing in the tutoring session are no longer isolated, they become solid when supported in structured application in the regular classroom setting.

All students at RCES, as a school-wide Title I school, have the opportunity to engage in individualized learning through technology for literacy and mathematics. Kindergarten and first grade students are utilizing the Waterford Early Learning Literacy (Reading) program through the Utah State Early Reading Initiative. Second and third grade students are utilizing Lexia for individualized reading learning, while fourth and fifth grade students are using iReady Reading software. All students at RCES are also able to utilize iReady Math which is made available through the Utah STEM Action Center grants. All software platforms at RCES have been carefully chosen to boost reading and math comprehension and proficiency through individualized and visual learning. These platforms are highly interactive, addressing multiple learning modalities to improve reading and mathematical skills.

Coordination of Title I program with other programs:

Red Cliffs Elementary School is designated as a school-wide Title I school. Each of our programs at RCES, regular school program, Special Education, Title I, School Land Trust, technology, professional development, school improvement, K-3 Reading, early intervention, special services, and parent and community supported programs are all intended to address and meet the needs of all students.

As our programs work together, we have been able to share: (1) funds, (2) professional development, (3) trained staff, and (4) purchase of materials to enrich the instructional support for students at RCES. An example of this is the fact that through the RCES School Land Trust program we have paid teachers to plan and build their curriculum during the summer months. Also, Title I Instructional Assistants are trained and work in the regular school program to provide 95% Group reading interventions specific to each student’s individual needs. No teacher, class, or program is an island of its own at RCES. Our commitment is to work collaboratively for the benefit of all students.

Parent involvement- Established partnerships with parents, families, and the community:

Parent engagement planning is a collaborative work established through the RCES Parent Teacher Organization (RCES PTO), School Community Council (SCC), and the instructional staff.

We feel that positive relationships and community involvement are key to our success. The faculty, staff, parents, students and community partners at Red Cliffs Elementary School have set goals to work together to provide a quality educational experience for our students. We are committed to providing each student the educational experience necessary to be well-prepared for his or her next educational step and prepare them for their future. Our RCES PTO and SCC support many of our efforts each year as we engage all students, parents, and our entire RCES community. Some of our activities include the following:

**Please note: Due to Covid-19, it has been a necessity to “push pause” on some parent engagement activities. Once we return to a state of normalcy these activities will resume along with other activities that we are currently exploring.

Back to School Night: Students, parents, and families meet their teachers for the upcoming school year and learn about the classroom expectations and procedures. Parents receive information from teachers about Title I programs - including Title I Parent Involvement Policy and our Student-Parent-School Compact, School Land Trust programs, other school academic programs, activities, and parent involvement in RCES PTO and SCC. Everyone enjoys catching up with friends, sharing summer adventures and are excited to return to school.

PTO and SCC classroom volunteers:

Throughout the school year, teachers will request parents to volunteer in the classroom. These volunteers support students through volunteer activities in the classroom. Volunteers assist with reading to students, as well as providing additional math, spelling, and writing support.

Grandparents Day:

Grandparents Day at RCES is a tremendous success each year. Students in Grades 1-5 invite their grandparents to school to visit their classroom and enjoy school lunch with them. Our last Grandparents Day was in October of 2019 and was attended by over 500 of our students' grandparents.

RCES Family Spring Carnival:

Our PTO sponsors a spring carnival each year with the help of generous donations from local businesses. Bounce houses, a dunk tank, games, and rides are all part of the fun that students and families are able to enjoy. Music and food trucks are also part of the fun filled night. This has become a tradition that RCES students and families look forward to each year.

Family Literacy/STEAM Night:

This is a fun night when students, parents, and families visit the school and visit different classrooms to engage in literacy or STEAM activities. Grade levels choose the type of activities they are going to provide. The types of activities that families enjoy include: a book walk, an author presentation, reading comprehension activities, and various STEAM activities. The purpose of these presentations is to get students, parents, and families, excited about literacy and learning, and to empower them to provide these opportunities at home.

Other family engagement activities that we are exploring:

  1. Road to Success to encourage reading at home.

  2. “A Book, A School, A Month” to provide a book each month to families and encourage them to read together.

  3. Math Night where families are able to come and engage in fun math learning opportunities.

  4. Family Movie Night is a possible engagement activity that we would want to implement and base around a book that we have encouraged families to read together at home.

SMART Goals should be directly related to the results of the comprehensive needs assessment and tied to the Utah State Standards


Improve Acadience (DIBELS) Grade Level Benchmark Reading Proficiency by 7% for K-5 students reading at Benchmark from Beginning of Year to End of Year results. 75% of students will also achieve their overall pathway goal as determined by DIBELS testing from BOY to EOY.


  • Professional Learning Communities

  • Professional Development focusing on the Science of Reading

  • Classroom Interventions/IA Support in classrooms

  • 95% Group Interventions

  • Early Steps/Next Steps Reading Tutoring

  • JSD Literacy Framework

  • District Literacy Software Platforms: Waterford, Lexia, iReady Reading

  • Summer Reading Program that will be available to all students during the month of June.

  • We will continue to utilize our literacy software platforms (Waterford, Lexia, and iReady Reading)

  • We will continue to look for innovative ways to utilize technology and teaching practices that will support student learning.

Evidence-Based Research Support

Utah 3-Tier Model of Reading Instruction, Science of Reading

Expected Impact in Core Academic Areas

(How will success be measured on an annual basis?)

Increased proficiency and demonstrated growth for all students measured by the following:

Acadience (Dibels) - Increase in students reading at Benchmark levels

Acadience Progress Monitoring on mClass and Acadience Data Management

95% Group Intervention progress

Formative Classroom Assessments


Development to Support Strategies

Professional Staff:

  • Weekly grade level PLC team meeting

  • Juab School District professional development participation

  • New Teacher Academy

  • JSD Teacher Evaluation process

  • Digital Promise Microcredential personalized professional development

  • Out of district professional learning/conference participation

  • Coaching cycles with our Instructional Coach

  • Observation Feedback Loops

  • Principal Classroom “Drop-ins”

Classified Staff:

  • 95% Group Intervention Training

  • Tutoring training


  • Yearly - continuous



  • The RCES Instructional Staff is responsible for providing quality instruction in the classroom. They are also responsible for providing regular communication with students and families about progress and needs.

  • The Principal is responsible for:

    • Providing teachers and students with the tools they need to be successful

    • Timely professional development for teachers and classified staff

    • Creating the master schedule to coordinate Title I, Special Education, and General Education needs.

  • The Instruction Coach is responsible for:

    • Providing coaching and feedback for teachers to insure that the best teaching practices possible are occurring in the classroom

    • Providing training specific to the programs implemented by RCES

    • Helping teachers analyze student data and preparing a plan for either intervention or extension learning activities.



(How will the

school monitor the implementation of the strategies and action steps

associated with this goal?)

  • PLC Communication Forms

  • Observer Tab (Teacher Evaluation/Observation Tools)

  • mClass Progress Monitoring Data

  • Principal classroom drop-ins to provide feedback to teachers.

  • Instructional Coach feedback and coaching opportunities for teachers.

SMART Goals directly related to the results of the comprehensive needs assessment and tied to Utah State Standards


Improve mathematics student proficiency increasing the percentage students are showing proficiency in their lessons on iReady. By the end of the year 90% of students will pass lessons with 80-100% proficiency, 8% of students will pass lessons with 60-79% proficiency, and 2% of students will pass lessons with 0-59%.


  • Professional Learning Communities

  • Instructional Assistant support in each classroom during math instruction

  • JSD Mathematics Learning Targets

  • Technology: iReady Math

  • Formative and Summative Classroom Assessments

Evidence-Based Research Support

  • Utah 3-Tier Model of Mathematics Instruction

Expected Impact in Core Academic Areas

(How will success be measured on an annual basis?)

Increased proficiency and demonstrated growth for all students measured by the following:

  • iReady lesson pass report

  • Annual increased proficiency in math RISE scores

  • Percentage of students mastering Juab School District’s Power Standards, Learning Targets, Indicators.


Development to Support Strategies

Professional Staff:

  • Weekly grade level PLC team meetings

  • District professional development participation

    • New Teacher Academy

    • District grade level PLCs

  • JSD Teacher Evaluation process

  • Digital Promise Microcredential personalized professional development

  • Out of district professional learning/conference participation

  • Observation Feedback Loops

  • Comprehensive Mathematics Instruction (CMI) professional development

  • Coaching cycles with our Instructional Coach

  • Principal Classroom “Drop-ins”

Classified Staff:

  • Math tutoring training


Yearly - continuous



RCES Instructional Staff



(How will the

school monitor the implementation of the strategies and action steps

associated with this goal?)

  • PLC Communication Forms

  • ObserverTab (Teacher Evaluation/Observation Tools)

  • iReady Digital Data

  • Principal classroom drop-ins to provide feedback to teachers.

  • Instructional Coach feedback and coaching opportunities for teachers.

Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers


Grade Level or


Highly Qualified?

Yes No

Darren Mecham

BS Elementary Education 1-8, Educational Technology & Level 1 Reading Endorsements, MEd Education, K-12 Administrative Endorsement



Diane Blackham

BS Elementary Education (1-8), MEd Education, ESL & Level 1 Reading Endorsement, Instructional Coaching Endorsement

Instructional Coach


Jessica Painter

BS Elementary Education 1-8, Early Childhood Endorsement, Level 1 Reading Endorsement, MEd Education



Pamela Leonard

BS Elementary Education (K-8)



Valerie Long

BS Elementary Education (1-8)

1st Grade


Cherylee Loveless

BS Elementary Education (1-8), BS Special Education (K-12) MEd Education, Level 1 Reading Endorsement

1st Grade


Andi Riddle

BS Marriage, Family, and Human Development, MEd Teaching Elementary Education

1st Grade


Kayla Veater

BS Elementary Education (1-8), MEd Curriculum Specialist, Level 1 Reading Endorsement

1st Grade


Julie Bosh

BS Elementary Education (1-8)

BS Special Education (K-12), Mild/Moderate Endorsement

2nd Grade


Hilary Dyreng

BS Elementary Education (1-8), MEd Education

2nd Grade


Kristen Jones

BS Elementary Education (1-8)

2nd Grade


Tarah Taylor

BS Elementary Education (1-8)

2nd Grade


Tate Douglas

BS Psychology

3rd Grade

No (ARL)

Valene Harris

BS Elementary Education (K-8), MEd Education, Level 1 Reading Endorsement, ESL Endorsement, Gifted & Talented Endorsement, STEM Endorsement

3rd Grade


MIchelle Lepien

BS Early Childhood Education (K-3)

3rd Grade


Noreen Malquist

BS Elementary Education (1-8)

3rd Grade


Thea Bailey

BS Elementary Education (1-8)

4th Grade


Makenzie Brady

BS Elementary Education (K-6), Middle Math Endorsement Level 2

4th Grade


Macady Dansie

BS Elementary Education (K-6), MEd Curriculum and Instruction

4th Grade


Crissa Peterson

BS Elementary Education (K-6), MEd Educational Administration

4th Grade


Danette Arns

BS Elementary Education (1-8)

5th Grade


McCall Chappell

BS Elementary Education (1-8), Special Education Endorsement

5th Grade


Susan Hanson

BS Elementary Education (1-8), MEd Elementary Education

5th Grade


Stacy Stoker

BS Elementary Education (1-8), Level 2 Elementary Math Endorsement, Level 1 Reading Endorsement, STEM Endorsement, MEd Education

5th Grade


Dianna Anderson

BS Special Education (K-12)



Anne England

BS Elementary Education (1-8), BS Special Education (K-12), Endorsements: Mild/Moderate, Level 1 Reading, Elementary Mathematics



Jodi Sipple

BS Physical Education, BS Special Education, MEd Elementary Education, ESL Endorsement



Kara Gardner

BS Elementary Education (1-8),



Nathan McDonald

BS Fine Arts, MEd Fine Arts, Endorsements: Secondary Visual Arts, K-12 Visual Arts

Art Specialist



Name of LEA and School:

Juab School District

Red Cliffs Elementary School .

Date: October 15, 2021


Empowering our students to discover and pursue their dreams.


We empower all students with a personalized path to success, which helps each student to achieve their personal best and prepare them for their future.




For Red Cliffs Elementary needs assessment, we are going to look at a variety of data sources including student achievement data, the demographic make-up of our students, and the school culture and its effect on the educational environment. We will take input from our Title I Committee which consists of faculty, parent and community representatives.


In our monthly School Community Council meeting we will review student academic performance, student demographic data, and current practices taking place in the classroom.

We will seek parent feedback on current school practices, discuss strategies to support student learning at home, and school improvement strategies.

We will also discuss and provide professional development learning opportunities for certified and classified staff that will impact student learning.


With Staff and Stakeholders we will analyze data and discuss possible improvement strategies in needed areas. We will also work to keep families engaged and informed of upcoming engagement opportunities that are available to all students and families.


We will keep parents informed through email, our school website, social media, newsletters, etc. as we continually work to meet the needs of our students and families. RCES will provide support through a variety of student and family activities designed to keep families informed of student achievement and provide ways to partner with families in providing academic support at home.




For Red Cliffs Elementary school-wide reform strategies, we will look at a variety of data sources including, but not limited to, Acadience student’s academic growth, data from: Waterford, Lexia, and iReady Reading and Math, as well as information from teachers, students, families, and support staff.


The Principal, Instructional Coach, classroom teachers, and Instructional Assistants will collaborate regularly to review and analyze data. If necessary, adjustments will be made to teacher instruction and/or interventions/extensions to insure the needs of each student is being met. Training will be provided to both teachers and Instructional Assistants, as needed. Professional development will be offered and provided to improve teacher efficacy. Enrichment or intervention opportunities will be given to all students in order to maintain a high level of student academic achievement and growth.


With staff and stakeholders, we will monitor data to check for student learning and growth in order to see if goals are being accomplished. Adjustments will be made when necessary to target student needs more specifically. In order to analyze the possible impact on student behavior and attendance on student achievement, we will monitor these areas through Educators Handbook and PowerSchool.


Students at RCES are on a path for success. We will be proactive in mitigating possible academic and behavioral concerns of our students. This will be accomplished by hiring Highly Qualified Staff and will maintain an expectation of best practices. Teachers and Instructional Assistants who need assistance will be given the opportunity to improve their capacity through professional development and by working with our Instructional Coach. We will maintain a constant focus on achieving school-wide, classroom, and individual goals throughout the school year.




Similar to our procedures to support school wide reform strategies, we will use a variety of data sources including, but not limited to, Acadience student’s academic growth, data from: Waterford, Lexia, and IReady Reading and Math, as well as information from teachers, students, families, and support staff. We will also hold regular Student Support Team (SST) meetings to assist teachers in providing needed support for students who are a concern.


Similar to our procedures to support school wide reform strategies, the Principal, Instructional Coach, classroom teachers, and Instructional Assistants will collaborate regularly to review and analyze data. If necessary, adjustments will be made to teacher instruction and/or interventions/extensions to insure the needs of each student is being met. Training will be provided to both teachers and Instructional Assistants, as needed. Professional development will be offered and provided to improve teacher efficacy. Enrichment or intervention opportunities will be given to all students in order to maintain a high level of student academic achievement and growth.


Similar to our procedures to support school wide reform strategies, with staff and stakeholders, we will monitor data to check for student learning and growth in order to see if goals are being accomplished. Adjustments will be made when necessary to target student needs more specifically. In order to analyze the possible impact on student behavior and attendance on student achievement, we will monitor these areas through Educators Handbook and PowerSchool.


Similar to our procedures to support school wide reform strategies, students at RCES are on a path for success. We will be proactive in mitigating possible academic and behavioral concerns of our students. This will be accomplished by hiring Highly Qualified Staff and will maintain an expectation of best practices. Teachers and Instructional Assistants who need assistance will be given the opportunity to improve their capacity through professional development and by working with our Instructional Coach on best practices. We will maintain a constant focus on achieving school-wide, classroom, and individual goals throughout the school year. Our PBIS plan will assist us as behavior needs arise. Also, our Counselor and Skills Coach will be a resource to support classroom teachers with strategies to help with the social and emotional learning of our students.




RCES is planning to support our reform strategies and ensure the accomplishment of our school wide goals by utilizing the majority of our funds on Instructional Assistants to provide support in each classroom. Our students will benefit from receiving small group instruction from both the classroom teacher and a trained Instructional Assistant. The funds will give us the opportunity to meet students' needs on a more individual basis and set goals based on each student's greatest area of academic need.


As a School Wide Title I school with a large student population, the majority of our Title I funds will be spent on Instructional Assistants. Students will benefit to have this Tier 2 support in the classroom by Instructional Assistants who have received specific training and support. This will help to provide an opportunity for students to make consistent academic growth.


As a district, we are in our second year of utilizing 95% Group Interventions, which is a Tier 2 intervention support. Data is consistently collected on student growth. Students are also reassessed regularly to ensure that the interventions they are receiving are effective. These interventions are discussed regularly in weekly PLC meetings along with progress monitoring data collected by classroom teachers. We are intentional in providing needed interventions/extensions for our students. If we find that our interventions are not effective, we decide as a team to make intervention adjustments which are then studied over a period of time. Our intent is to provide each student exactly what he or she needs in order to be successful. This is an ongoing process that occurs throughout the entire school year.


Data is collected throughout the school year to track students’ progress and make any needed adjustments to instruction or interventions. Most of our Title 1 budget is allocated for Instructional Assistants. We also utilize remaining funds for family engagement activities such as Back to School Night and our Literacy/STEAM Night. During these activities we provide activities and resources to families in order for them to help support student learning at home. We also support our students through our Software Platforms (Waterford, Lexia, iReady Reading and Math), our Special Education Department, Take Home Library in the younger grades, and our Specials Programs (computer lab, music, library, and art).

Template Matrix for Combining Funds to Support Our Schoolwide Program

Program Amount How the Intents and Purposes of the Program will be met



$2,407,096 To provide all students with instruction aligned to grade level Education

standards including differentiation and enrichment services as needed.


State education funds are combined to support the activities listed above. Examples

include: classroom teachers, textbooks, supplemental materials, supplies,

equipment, technology, staff development, and substitutes.

Title I, $115, 102 Funds are used to provide all children a significant

Part A opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high quality

well-rounded education, and to close educational

achievement gaps. This is accomplished by providing

instructional assistants in each classroom, providing

teacher professional development,

and curriculum supplies to support student learning.

Title III N/A

Trust Lands $103, 979 Funds are used to address the specific needs of the school with input

from the School Community Council.

TSSA $59, 486 Funds are used for class-size reduction and to improve student

achievement and learning.

Total: $2,685,663

Distribution Method: School Website and Parent Newsletter

Date Available: March 16, 2020