November 8

Red Cliffs Elementary School

School Community Council

“We empower all students with a personalized path to success, which helps each student to achieve their personal best and prepare them for their future.”

November 8, 2021

3:15 P.M. (Location: Conference Room)


1. Welcome

Approval of Minutes- October 11, 2021

Discussion Items:

2. Acadience Math Data Report: Mrs. Blackham

3. Trustlands Expenditures Progress:

4. Digital Safety Update

Action Items:

Red Cliffs Elementary School

School Community Council

“We empower all students with a personalized path to success, which helps each student to achieve their personal best and prepare them for their future.”


November 8, 2021

3:15 P.M. (Location: Conference Room)


1. Welcome by Rachel

Approval of Minutes- October 11, 2021

Motion to approve minutes by Tarah Taylor and Crissa Peterson seconded it.

Discussion Items:

2. Acadience Math Data Report: Mrs. Blackham

It is required by state law to give it to 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students and that is what we decided to do.

We reviewed and discussed the data provided by Mrs. Blackham.

3. Trustlands Expenditures Progress:

Goal #1: $16,350 Infiniti Lab, I-pad keyboards, Typing Club

Goal #2: $402 Teacher Professional Development

Goal #3: $2,983 Music Teacher and Steam Supplies

4. Digital Safety Update: Working on dates that Brandon can come.

He is going to go into each classroom and teach about digital safety.

Action Items:

  1. December SCC Meeting??

We typically have not had a meeting in December. Rachel made the motion to cancel the December meeting and Whitney Blackett seconded the motion.

We will meet again in January.

Rachel makes the motion to adjourn and Lisa seconded the motion.

The next meeting will be January 10th.