February 7, 2022

Red Cliffs Elementary School

School Community Council

“We empower all students with a personalized path to success, which helps each student to achieve their personal best and prepare them for their future.”

February 7, 2021

3:15 P.M. (Location: Conference Room)


1. Welcome:

Approval of Minutes from January 10, 2022

Discussion Items:

2. Acadience Reading and Math Report: Mrs. Blackham

3. Mid-Year Trustland Expenditure Report: Mr. Mecham

4. Anticipated School Land Trust 2022-2023 Funds: $114,163

(Last year: $103,979)

5. Discuss possible Trustland Expenditures for 2022-2023

Red Cliffs Elementary School

School Community Council

“We empower all students with a personalized path to success, which helps each student to achieve their personal best and prepare them for their future.”


February 7, 2021

3:15 P.M. (Location: Conference Room)


1. Welcome: Rachel

Approval of Minutes from January 10, 2022

Motion to approve by Rachel and seconded by Lisa. Everyone agreed to approve the minutes.

Discussion Items:

2. Acadience Reading and Math Report: Mrs. Blackham

Formally known as DIBELS.

60% are typical or higher in math

52% are typical or higher in reading

Overall % increased by 2%

Reading increased by 2%

Math decreased by 2%

What are we doing for the students who aren’t showing growth?

They are in a phonics intervention. We are seeing that they are working on

Small % of students not growing. The majority are growing.

3. Mid-Year Trustland Expenditure Report: Mr. Mecham

Goal #1 - K-3 students will show increased on the Acadience Pathways to progress report from BOY ro MOY. 3-5 grade students will show growth on the 2022 Spring RISE assessments when compared to the spring 2021 RISE ASSESSMENTS.

Current Expenditures:

  1. $16,375 for Non-Contracted Teacher Time

  2. $581.60 5th Grade Battle of the Books

  3. $8,159.43 Technology related items (ipad Keyboards, headphones, stylus pens, typing clubs, etc.)

  4. $2,330.07 Grade-Level Science Supplies

Goal #2 - RCE teachers will receive professional development in order to 1)increase RCE K-5 students Acadience benchmark proficiency. 2) Increase RCE Grades 3-5 Utah RISE Assessment proficiency.

Current Expenditures: 1) $2,965 (Online webinars and LETRS Training)

Goal #3 - 1) All students will receive music instruction weekly. 2) All students will receive STEAM instruction at least twice a month.

Current Expenditures: 1)$3,619.19 (STEAM supplies, Music Instruments, etc.)

4. Anticipated School Land Trust 2022-2023 Funds: $114,163

(Last year: $103,979)

5. Discuss possible Trustland Expenditures for 2022-2023

Stylus pens? ½ set for each class so each student can have one.

Keyboards for 2nd grade ½ set per class so 2 sets total to share.

Afterschool help for kids? Every teacher is actually doing something to help with COVID loss. (learning packets, tutoring, etc.)

Mr. Mecham said he would put together a list for the committee to think about and decide where to use Trustland money.

Anything else? No

Rachel asked for a motion. Whitney Blackett motioned and Crissa Peterson seconded.