Curriculum for Wales

Curriculum for Wales is a clear statement of what is important in delivering a broad and balanced education where the  four purposes are the shared vision and aspiration for every child and young person 

Partneriaeth's PL offer for Curriculum for Wales has been developed to support leaders and practitioners to design, implement and evaluate a broad and balanced curriculum .

Developing a shared understanding of Progression - AoLE

An AoLE based PL offer for practitioners for professional dialogue in order to develop a shared understanding of progression within an AoLE. A series of 3 sessions will be held with attendance required in each one.

Attendees will: 

Some funding will be available to support the release of practitioners: £600 to cover 3 days attendance.

Target Audience  

All practitioners



Autumn Term

Oct 21st Science & Technology *

Oct 18th Maths and Numeracy *

Oct 25th Health and Well Being *

Oct 26th Expressive Arts**

Oct 27th Languages, Literacy and Communication**

Oct 28th Humanities *

Spring Term

Jan 19th  Science & Technology * postponed

March 23rd Science and Technology

Feb 13th  Expressive Arts **

Feb 14th  Maths and Numeracy * and Health and Well Being * Change of date due to industrial action

March 21st Maths and Numeracy

March 22nd Health and Well - Being

Feb 15th  Humanities *

Feb 17th Languages, Literacy and Communication **

Summer Term

May 12th  Science & Technology *

May 15th  Maths and Numeracy *

May 16th  Humanities *

May 17th  Expressive Arts **

May 18th  Languages, Literacy and Communication **

May 19th  Health and Well Being *

*English medium with resources available in Welsh

**Bilingual sessions

Access to these sessions will be through MS Forms registration and numbers will be limited.


Full days: 09:30-15:30 

Method of delivery

Face to face, in person




Partneriaeth Officers

Science & Technology: Adrian Smith, David Bradley, Stuart Jacob

Maths and Numeracy: Helen Davies, Kate Andrews

Humanities: Jenna Gravelle, Julian Nicholds, Tom Basher

Expressive Arts: Debbie Moon

Health and Well Being: Sophie Flood

Languages, Literacy and Communication: Anthony Jones, Emma Wright, Jane Shilling, Lowri Davies

Contact Email:

Curriculum design - Organising the Learning

An asynchronous resource to  develop and deepen an understanding of  various curriculum models for organising the learning and understand what are the options (models) available, in terms of the way in which we can organise the curriculum.  

Attendees will:

Target Audience  

All practitioners


Available on Partneriaeth website week beginning October 17th



Method of delivery:

Asynchronously resource 



Contact Email:

Cross-cutting themes: CWRE (Careers and work-related experiences)

Realising CWRE in the Curriculum for Wales

Careers Wales’ live session ‘Realising CWRE in the Curriculum for Wales’ will support schools to realise CWRE as a cross-cutting theme, and the tools and resources available to support schools and settings to embed CWRE across the Areas of Learning. This session is suitable for all teachers, practitioners, headteachers and those supporting the delivery of the Curriculum for Wales in primary schools and settings.

Target Audience  

Senior leaders, middle leaders, all practitioners


November 22nd - English medium 

November 23rd - Welsh medium 


15:45 -16:45

Method of delivery

Online - Teams

Recording available asynchronously after the session


Careers Wales

Contact Email:

Anti-Racist Wales 2030

Cross-cutting themes: RSE

An extensive RSE PL programme is currently being designed.


Mandatory elements: RVE

An extensive RSE PL programme is currently being designed.


AoLE - Primary Networks

The aim of these termly networks is to support with leadership of an AoLE within a primary school/setting, curriculum design and to provide opportunities to share effective practice. 

Attendees will:

Target Audience

AoLE leads


Autumn term 

Humanities – Nov 30th 

Maths & Numeracy – Nov 29th

Languages, Literacy and Communication – Dec 1st

Health and wellbeing – Dec 5th

Expressive Arts – Dec 6th

Science & Technology – Dec 13th 

Registration link:


2 - 3:30pm 

Method of delivery

Online - Teams

Recording available asynchronously after the session

Spring term

Expressive Arts* March 17th - 9:30 - 3pm, Teifi Suite Halliwell

Science and Technology March 22nd - 9:30 - 3pm, Teifi Suite Halliwell

Humanities March 23rd  - 9:30 - 3pm, Cothi Suite Halliwell

Maths and Numeracy March 27th - 9:30 - 3pm, Cothi Suite Halliwell

Health and Well-Being March 28th - 9:30 - 3pm, Room TL04 , Teaching and Learning Centre Trinity Carmarthen

*will be delivered bilingually

Summer term



2 - 3:30pm 

Method of delivery

Online - Teams

Recording available asynchronously after the session


Partneriaeth Officers

Science & Technology: Adrian Smith, Stuart Jacob

Maths and Numeracy: Kate Andrews

Humanities: Tom Basher

Expressive Arts: Debbie Moon

Health and Well Being: Sophie Flood

Languages, Literacy and Communication: TBC

Contact Email:

Curriculum design: Bespoke support

Partneriaeth have an universal professional learning offer for schools with regards to Curriculum for Wales but we also create bespoke learning sessions for schools and clusters, designed in collaboration with schools and SIPs to ensure that planned learning is contextualised and suits the school's need. Please get in touch if you would like support.


Curriculum design - Organising the Learning: AoLE

A collaborative opportunity to develop and deepen an understanding of  various curriculum models for organising the learning and understand what are the options (models) available, in terms of the way in which we can organise the curriculum through the lenses of the AoLEs.

Attendees will:

Target Audience:

Middle leaders / AoLE leads


Maths and Numeracy Spring 2023

Science and Technology Spring 2023

Languages, Literacy and Communication Spring 2023

Humanities Summer 2023

Expressive Arts Spring/Summer 2023

A collaborative project to develop and deepen an understanding of various curriculum models for organising the learning and understand what the options (models) are available, in terms of the way in which we can organise the curriculum through the lens of the Expressive Arts AoLE. Attendees will collaborate in a small groups to develop AoLE exemplars of different curriculum models contextualised through AoLE specific concepts which include the mandatory elements of Curriculum for Wales

February 28th
March 23rd
May 24th
June 16th 

Health and Wellbeing 2023



Method of delivery:




Contact Email:

Cross-Regional Professional Learning Programme CfW

Integrated Professional Learning Whilst the key focus of this professional learning programme is the realisation of the Curriculum for Wales 2022, it is essential that connections are made across all aspects of the education reform programme. This should include a consideration of the Schools as Learning Organisations (SLO) approach, the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership and our collective commitment to the Excellence, Equity and Wellbeing agenda. This professional learning offer is firmly aligned to the School Improvement Guidance: framework for evaluation, improvement and accountability published by Welsh Government in June 2022. The Headteacher, Senior Leader and Middle Leader programmes have been created and released to align with the timeline of Curriculum for Wales: the journey to curriculum roll-out.

A wide variety of modules available with sessions open to all practitioners in Wales.

View details, dates and links to attend live sessions HERE