National Leadership Development Programmes

Interrnational research demonstrates that leadership is second only to classroom teaching as an influence on learning and outcomes.

Partneriaeth is committed to building leadership capacity through a progressive, practice-based, career-long development of leadership for all. This is embodied in the leadership development pathway.

The pathway reflects national principles and strategies for leadership development.

As part of its Professional Learning offer, Partneriaeth, in collaboration with other key stakeholders, has planned and prepared a comprehensive cross-sector Leadership Programme which is based on these national principles and includes the national leadership programmes listed below.

  1. National Middle Leader Development Programme*

  2. Senior Leader Development Programme

  3. Aspiring Headteacher Development Programme (Preparation for NPQH) *

  4. Newly Appointed and Acting Headteacher Programme*

  5. Experienced Headteacher Programme*

* These programmes are now national programmes and have acquired official endorsement from the National Academy of Educational Leadership.

All of these programmes are based on the national approach to professional learning that includes:

  • Collaborative learning to develop each other at peer level

  • Reflective practice by applying learning back in school between workshops

  • Coaching and mentoring through a Leadership Coach

  • Engaging with relevant data and evidence from research in the content of the programme.

  • A blended professional learning approach including direct professional learning sessions as well as e-learning A programme that is underpinned by the principles of effective learning organisations