Teaching Assistant Learning Pathways (TALP)

A national programme of professional learning has been developed for Teaching Assistants across Wales which is being offered by all Regional Consortia.

In line with the National Professional Learning Entitlement every educational professional has the opportunity to develop their skills and experience through professional learning. Depending on experience and previous training it should be possible to identify a suitable and appropriate development programme. The Teaching Assistants Learning Pathway has been developed to support Teaching Assistants identify and access a development programme appropriate to their current need.

National Induction  Programme for New Teaching Assistants

Available on demand 

Link to register: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=K24GreVapkCdiKNnF3hwlBJWf9BSBl9Lg7-RtWSSBDZUMjRMU1ZUUUNWVDhSUVdKUk82RlNHNDZJOS4u

This is a national programme for individuals to develop the knowledge and skills needed to become a successful Teaching Assistant in their setting. The programme supports new Teaching Assistants to better understand the educational setting in which they work and their responsibilities as a professional in Welsh education.


Target Audience

People new to the role of Teaching Assistant with a developing knowledge and understanding of their role and responsibilities.



Training may be completed at a time convenient to the teaching assistants and their setting.



On demand. 

Delivery method

The programme is delivered through distance learning on a digital platform. It consists of four modules in the form of a playlist. All activities will be delivered in Welsh, English or bilingually.






Each module is introduced by a regional TALP coordinator.



Contact e-mail



National Programme for Practising Teaching Assistants

Next cohort Spring 2024

Link to register:

to be confirmed

The programme will provide information relating to the professional standards, current relevant strategies to support their practice, Curriculum for Wales and a range of ideas and strategies to inspire professionalism back in school. 


Target Audience

The national programme is for those with more than two years' experience, and who would welcome an update on the changes to the context of the profession. 



Module 1 - 18/01/23

Module 2 - 01/02/23

Module 3 - 08/03/23

Module 4 - 22/03/23 



1:15 – 3:30pm


Delivery method

On-line delivery through Microsoft Teams.

All activities will be delivered in Welsh, English or bilingually.

A combination of activities and self-directed study.






Each module is introduced by the regional coordinator and HLTAs.


Contact e-mail


National Aspiring HLTA Development Programme

Next cohort - Cylch 7

Link to register:


Applications close June 19th 2023

It is the equivalent of a 5 day programme delivered over 2 – 3 terms and examines the new professional standards in depth. The programme explores the crucial role of Teaching Assistants in supporting the pupils and schools in achieving the objectives of the National Mission, Schools as Learning Organisations and developing the New Curriculum.


Target Audience

This Aspiring HLTA Programme is to support the most experienced Teaching Assistants who wish to further develop their skills and identify their readiness for HLTA Assessment.



Cylch 7 dates to be confirmed.



To be confirmed.


Delivery method

Delivery of the programme may be on-line or face to face, or a hybrid version.

All activities will be delivered in Welsh, English or bilingually.

A combination of activities and self-directed study, online support and webinars. The webinars will be designed to address core aspects of the programme and to deal with questions.



Applications close June 19th 2023. Successful applicants will be advised July 6th December 2023.

Link https://forms.office.com/e/nHL5udrJvX


Each module is introduced by the regional coordinator and HLTAs.


Contact e-mail


Classroom For Partneriaeth Teaching Assistants

Available on demand

Code to Google Classroom:


A collaborative space for Teaching Assistants to access information and training online.


Target Audience

All Teaching Assistants throughout Partneriaeth.



The resources can be engaged with at a time that is convenient for the TAs and their location.



On demand.


Delivery method

Engagement with the classroom via Google Classroom on Hwb.



Contact the coordinator for the code.


Contact e-mail


National Programme for New HLTA Assessor Training

Next cohort - Cylch 5

Link to register:

to be confirmed

The Regional School Improvement Consortia are seeking practitioners to join the team involved in the Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTA) Assessment Programme on behalf of the Welsh Government.

Target Audience

A senior leader or teacher with proven experience of working effectively with teaching assistants; an experienced teaching assistant with HLTA status , or have a role in your regional Consortia.


Module 1 - 13/03/2023

Module 2 – 20/03/2023

Module 3 – 27/03/2023

Module 4 – 08/05/2023



Every session 1:15 - 3:15 pm

Delivery method

Engagement on-line through Microsoft Teams.





Applications close 16/02/2023


Contact e-mail


National HLTA Development Day - Partneriaeth

Next event - Spring 2024

Link to register:

to be confirmed

An event to celebrate success, share good practice and promote professional learning.

Target Audience

Information of interest to all who have gained HLTA status


Monday 27th March 2023



9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Delivery method

A face to face event at the Swansea.com Stadium

To include:

Guest Speaker – Nina Jackson, International Education Consultant and Wellbeing Ambassador

Other speakers who will deliver powerful developments and opportunities for the HLTA workforce

Practitioners sharing good practice

Market place event

Networking opportunities

For further information contact:






Applications close 1pm Thursday 23rd March 2023


Contact e-mail
