
Post-16 Leadership Development Programme

The PL Session will:

This programme offers colleagues the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills as they prepare for and face the challenges of post-16 leadership, and forms part of the national strategy for succession planning.

The topics covered in the programme include:

• Understanding the strategic and operational roles of post-16 leadership

• Effective self-evaluation and planning for improvement

• Planning intervention and well-being for learners

• Building external partnerships for effective practice and provision

• Providing high quality and inclusive advice and guidance to support learner transition, aspirations and destinations


Delegates will have the opportunity to undertake an ILM Level 3 or 5 Leadership qualification on completion of the leadership programme. This opportunity is available to all delegates that have attended all four sessions. Fees for accreditation must be paid by the individual or their school/ organisation.

Target Audience:

The post-16 leadership development programme is aimed at existing, new or aspiring post-16 leaders and has been designed to offer practical advice about the role of a post-16 leader.

Dates, venue, timings:

Session 1:

In person training Time: 10:00-15:00 Choose your venue/date when you register below:

Tuesday 18th October 2022 – Conwy Business Centre, North Wales or

Thursday 27th October – Village Hotel Swansea, South Wales.

Synchronous training via Teams: Time: 09:00-12:00

Session 2: Wednesday 23rd November, 2022

Session 3: Thursday 26th January, 2023

Session 4: Tuesday 7th March, 2023

Method of delivery:

The programme is an integral part of the work of the Welsh Education Consortia in delivering the national offer for professional learning. Delivery of the programme will be through a blended learning model with the first session being delivered in person and a further 3 x 3 hour sessions delivered synchronously on Teams.


Post-16 specialist regional colleagues, current experienced post-16 leaders and/ or senior leaders deliver the sessions.


Sign up form:

Closing date: 11th October 2022